REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CTRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::BiPoSettingsA structure to store the BiPo settings
 CREST_InitTools::GlobalVarInit< T >
 CTRestMetadataPlot::Graph_Info_SetThis structure is used to register the values from a <graph definition inside the RML
 CTRestDataSetPlot::HistoInfoNested classes for internal use only
 CHitTransformationA structure to define a given hit transformation
 CTRestRawBiPoToSignalProcess::MatacqBoardA structure to store the configuration settings of Matacq board
 CTRestMetadataPlot::Panel_InfoThis structure is used to register the values from a <panel definition inside the RML
 CTRestDataSetPlot::PanelInfoAuxiliary class for panels/labels
 CTRestMetadataPlot::Plot_Info_SetThis structure is used to register the values from a <plot definition inside the RML
 CTRestDataSetPlot::PlotInfoAuxiliary struct for plots/pads
 CTRestMetadataA base class for any REST metadata class
 CTRestAxionFieldA basic class to define analytical axion-photon conversion calculations for axion helioscopes
 CTRestDataQualityRulesA class to define the properties of a rule inside TRestDataQualityRules
 CTRestEventA base class for any REST event
 CTRestMeshA basic class inheriting from TObject to help creating a node grid definition
 CTRestBrowserEvent browser for different input file
 CTRestComplexA generic class to handle complex numbers with real precision
 CTRestDetectorReadoutPixelA class to store the readout pixel definition used in TRestDetectorReadoutChannel
 CTRestGeant4ParticleA class used to store particle properties
 CTRestHitsIt saves a 3-coordinate position and an energy for each punctual deposition
 CTRestRawSignalIt defines a Short_t array with a physical parameter that evolves in time using a fixed time bin
 CTRestThreadThreaded worker of a process chain
 CTRestToolsA generic class with useful static methods
 CTRestWimpNucleusA class to store different nucleus parameters
 CTRestAnalysisTreeREST core data-saving helper based on TTree