REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
Data Fields
TRestMetadataPlot::Plot_Info_Set Struct Reference

Detailed Description

This structure is used to register the values from a <plot definition inside the RML.

Definition at line 65 of file TRestMetadataPlot.h.

#include <TRestMetadataPlot.h>

Data Fields

std::vector< Graph_Info_Setgraphs
 A std::vector containing the properties of the graphs inside the plot.
std::string labelX
 The label or title to be given to the x-axis.
std::string labelY
 The label or title to be given to the y-axis.
Bool_t legendOn
 It true a legend will be shown on the corresponding plot.
Bool_t logX
 It true a logarithmic scale will be used on the x-axis.
Bool_t logY
 It true a logarithmic scale will be used on the y-axis.
std::string name
 The name that will be used for the TGraph object.
std::string save
 The filename where the file will be saved.
Bool_t timeDisplay
 It true a time/date calendar format will be used on the x-axis.
std::string title
 A title that will be visible in top of the plot.
TVector2 xRange
 The user defined range in the x-axis.
std::string xVariable
 The corresponding metadata variable to be used in the X-axis.
TVector2 yRange
 The user defined range in the y-axis.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: