REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
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TRestGeant4Event Class Reference

Detailed Description

An event class to store geant4 generated event information.

Definition at line 47 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

#include <TRestGeant4Event.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRestGeant4Event:

Public Member Functions

void ActivateVolumeForStorage (Int_t n)
void AddActiveVolume (const std::string &volumeName)
void AddEnergyToSensitiveVolume (Double_t en)
 ClassDefOverride (TRestGeant4Event, 8)
void ClearVolumes ()
Bool_t ContainsParticle (const TString &particleName) const
Bool_t ContainsParticleInVolume (const TString &particleName, Int_t volumeID=-1) const
Bool_t ContainsProcess (const TString &processName) const
Bool_t ContainsProcess (Int_t processID) const
Bool_t ContainsProcessInVolume (const TString &processName, Int_t volumeID=-1) const
Bool_t ContainsProcessInVolume (Int_t processID, Int_t volumeID=-1) const
void DisableVolumeForStorage (Int_t n)
TPad * DrawEvent (const TString &option, Bool_t autoBoundaries)
 This method draws the geant4 event that it is available at the moment in memory. It uses TGraph and TH2D ROOT drawing objects. This method generates a drawing TPad with enough divisions to host all the options given by argument.
TPad * DrawEvent (const TString &option="") override
 Draw the event.
Double_t GetBoundingBoxSize ()
 This method returns the event size as the size of the bounding box enclosing all hits.
Double_t GetEnergyDepositedByParticle (const TString &particleName) const
Double_t GetEnergyInVolume (const std::string &volumeName) const
std::map< std::string, double > GetEnergyInVolumeMap () const
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > GetEnergyInVolumePerParticleMap () const
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > > GetEnergyInVolumePerParticlePerProcessMap () const
std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > GetEnergyInVolumePerProcessMap () const
std::map< std::string, double > GetEnergyPerParticleMap () const
std::map< std::string, double > GetEnergyPerProcessMap () const
TVector3 GetFirstPositionInVolume (Int_t volID) const
 Function to get the position (TVector3) of the first track that deposits energy in specified volume. If no hit is found for the volume, returns TVector3(nan, nan, nan) vector.
const TRestGeant4MetadataGetGeant4Metadata () const
TRestHits GetHits (Int_t volID=-1) const
 Function that returns all the hit depositions in the Geant4 event. If a specific volume is given as argument only the hits of that specific volume will be added to the TRestHits returned object.
TRestHits GetHitsInVolume (Int_t volID) const
TVector3 GetLastPositionInVolume (Int_t volID) const
 Function to get the position (TVector3) of the last track that deposits energy in specified volume. If no hit is found for the volume, returns TVector3(nan, nan, nan) vector. If an event enters and exits a volume multiple times this will only return the last exit position, one needs to keep this in mind when using this observable.
Int_t GetLowestTrackID () const
TVector3 GetMeanPositionInVolume (Int_t volID) const
Int_t GetNumberOfActiveVolumes () const
size_t GetNumberOfHits (Int_t volID=-1) const
 Function that returns the total number of hits in the Geant4 event. If a specific volume is given as argument only the hits of that specific volume will be counted.
size_t GetNumberOfPhysicalHits (Int_t volID=-1) const
 Function that returns the total number of hits with energy > 0 in the Geant4 event. If a specific volume is given as argument only the hits of that specific volume will be counted.
size_t GetNumberOfPrimaries () const
size_t GetNumberOfTracks () const
Int_t GetNumberOfTracksForParticle (const TString &particleName) const
TVector3 GetPositionDeviationInVolume (Int_t volID) const
 A method that gets the standard deviation from the hits happening at a particular volumeId inside the geometry.
TVector3 GetPrimaryEventDirection (size_t n=0) const
Double_t GetPrimaryEventEnergy (size_t n=0) const
TVector3 GetPrimaryEventOrigin () const
TString GetPrimaryEventParticleName (size_t n=0) const
Double_t GetSensitiveVolumeEnergy () const
TVector3 GetSubEventPrimaryEventDirection () const
Double_t GetSubEventPrimaryEventEnergy () const
TVector3 GetSubEventPrimaryEventOrigin () const
TString GetSubEventPrimaryEventParticleName () const
Double_t GetTotalDepositedEnergy () const
const TRestGeant4TrackGetTrack (int n) const
TRestGeant4TrackGetTrackByID (Int_t trackID) const
TRestGeant4TrackGetTrackPointer (int n)
const std::vector< TRestGeant4Track > & GetTracks () const
std::set< std::string > GetUniqueParticles () const
void Initialize () override
void InitializeReferences (TRestRun *run) override
 Initialize dynamical references when loading the event from a root file.
void InsertStep (const G4Step *)
bool InsertTrack (const G4Track *)
 // Implemented in restG4
Bool_t IsSubEvent () const
Int_t isVolumeStored (int n) const
void PrintActiveVolumes () const
 maxTracks : number of tracks to print, 0 = all
void PrintEvent (int maxTracks=0, int maxHits=0) const
void SetBoundaries ()
void SetBoundaries (Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Double_t yMin, Double_t yMax, Double_t zMin, Double_t zMax)
void SetEnergyDepositedInVolume (Int_t volID, Double_t eDep)
void SetSensitiveVolumeEnergy (Double_t en)
 TRestGeant4Event (const G4Event *)
void UpdateTrack (const G4Track *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TRestEvent
virtual void CloneTo (TRestEvent *target)
 Clone the content of this TRestEvent object to another.
Int_t GetID () const
Int_t GetRunOrigin () const
TString GetSubEventTag () const
Int_t GetSubID () const
Int_t GetSubRunOrigin () const
Double_t GetTime () const
TTimeStamp GetTimeStamp () const
virtual void InitializeWithMetadata (TRestRun *run)
Bool_t isOk () const
virtual void PrintEvent () const
void SetEventInfo (TRestEvent *eve)
void SetID (Int_t id)
void SetOK (Bool_t state)
void SetRunOrigin (Int_t run_origin)
void SetState (Bool_t state)
void SetSubEventTag (const TString &tag)
void SetSubID (Int_t id)
void SetSubRunOrigin (Int_t sub_run_origin)
void SetTime (Double_t seconds, Double_t nanoseconds)
void SetTime (Double_t time)
void SetTimeStamp (const TTimeStamp &time)
 TRestEvent ()
virtual ~TRestEvent ()

Protected Member Functions

TH1D * GetXHistogram (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > optList)
TH2F * GetXYHistogram (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > optList)
TMultiGraph * GetXYMultiGraph (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > pcsList, Double_t minPointSize=0.4, Double_t maxPointSize=4)
TH2F * GetXZHistogram (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > optList)
TMultiGraph * GetXZMultiGraph (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > pcsList, Double_t minPointSize=0.4, Double_t maxPointSize=4)
TH1D * GetYHistogram (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > optList)
TH2F * GetYZHistogram (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > optList)
TMultiGraph * GetYZMultiGraph (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > pcsList, Double_t minPointSize=0.4, Double_t maxPointSize=4)
TH1D * GetZHistogram (Int_t gridElement, std::vector< TString > optList)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TRestEvent
void RestartPad (Int_t nElements)

Protected Attributes

std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > > > fEnergyInVolumePerParticlePerProcess
TLegend * fLegend_XY
TLegend * fLegend_XZ
TLegend * fLegend_YZ
Int_t fNVolumes
std::vector< TVector3 > fPrimaryDirections
std::vector< Double_t > fPrimaryEnergies
std::vector< TString > fPrimaryParticleNames
TVector3 fPrimaryPosition
Double_t fSensitiveVolumeEnergy = 0
TVector3 fSubEventPrimaryDirection
Double_t fSubEventPrimaryEnergy
TString fSubEventPrimaryParticleName
TVector3 fSubEventPrimaryPosition
Double_t fTotalDepositedEnergy = 0
Int_t fTotalHits
std::vector< TRestGeant4TrackfTracks
std::vector< Double_t > fVolumeDepositedEnergy
std::vector< Int_t > fVolumeStored
std::vector< std::string > fVolumeStoredNames
TH1D * fXHisto
TH2F * fXYHisto
TGraph * fXYHitGraph
TMultiGraph * fXYMultiGraph
std::vector< TGraph * > fXYPcsMarker
TH2F * fXZHisto
TGraph * fXZHitGraph
TMultiGraph * fXZMultiGraph
std::vector< TGraph * > fXZPcsMarker
TH1D * fYHisto
TH2F * fYZHisto
TGraph * fYZHitGraph
TMultiGraph * fYZMultiGraph
std::vector< TGraph * > fYZPcsMarker
TH1D * fZHisto
std::vector< Int_t > legendAdded
- Protected Attributes inherited from TRestEvent
Int_t fEventID
 Event identification number.
TTimeStamp fEventTime
 Absolute event time.
Bool_t fOk
 Flag to be used by processes to define an event status. fOk=true is the default.
TPad * fPad
TRestRunfRun = nullptr
Int_t fRunOrigin
 Run ID number of the event.
Int_t fSubEventID
 Sub-Event identification number.
TString fSubEventTag
 A short length label to identify the sub-Event.
Int_t fSubRunOrigin
 Sub-run ID number of the event.

Private Member Functions

void AddEnergyDepositToVolume (Int_t volID, Double_t eDep)
void AddEnergyInVolumeForParticleForProcess (Double_t energy, const std::string &volumeName, const std::string &particleName, const std::string &processName)

Private Attributes

TRestGeant4Hits fInitialStep
Double_t fMaxEnergy
Double_t fMaxX
Double_t fMaxY
Double_t fMaxZ
Double_t fMinEnergy
Double_t fMinX
Double_t fMinY
Double_t fMinZ
std::map< Int_t, Int_t > fTrackIDToTrackIndex = {}


class OutputManager
class TRestGeant4QuenchingProcess

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TRestGeant4Event()

TRestGeant4Event::TRestGeant4Event ( )

Definition at line 32 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ ~TRestGeant4Event()

TRestGeant4Event::~TRestGeant4Event ( )

Definition at line 39 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivateVolumeForStorage()

void TRestGeant4Event::ActivateVolumeForStorage ( Int_t  n)

Definition at line 189 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ AddActiveVolume()

void TRestGeant4Event::AddActiveVolume ( const std::string &  volumeName)

Definition at line 89 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ AddEnergyDepositToVolume()

void TRestGeant4Event::AddEnergyDepositToVolume ( Int_t  volID,
Double_t  eDep 

Definition at line 103 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ AddEnergyInVolumeForParticleForProcess()

void TRestGeant4Event::AddEnergyInVolumeForParticleForProcess ( Double_t  energy,
const std::string &  volumeName,
const std::string &  particleName,
const std::string &  processName 

Definition at line 1305 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ AddEnergyToSensitiveVolume()

void TRestGeant4Event::AddEnergyToSensitiveVolume ( Double_t  en)

Definition at line 194 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ ClearVolumes()

void TRestGeant4Event::ClearVolumes ( )

Definition at line 96 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ ContainsParticle()

Bool_t TRestGeant4Event::ContainsParticle ( const TString &  particleName) const

Definition at line 1190 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ ContainsParticleInVolume()

Bool_t TRestGeant4Event::ContainsParticleInVolume ( const TString &  particleName,
Int_t  volumeID = -1 
) const

Definition at line 1199 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ ContainsProcess() [1/2]

Bool_t TRestGeant4Event::ContainsProcess ( const TString &  processName) const

Definition at line 221 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ ContainsProcess() [2/2]

Bool_t TRestGeant4Event::ContainsProcess ( Int_t  processID) const

Definition at line 218 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ ContainsProcessInVolume() [1/2]

Bool_t TRestGeant4Event::ContainsProcessInVolume ( const TString &  processName,
Int_t  volumeID = -1 
) const

Definition at line 1176 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ ContainsProcessInVolume() [2/2]

Bool_t TRestGeant4Event::ContainsProcessInVolume ( Int_t  processID,
Int_t  volumeID = -1 
) const

Definition at line 1167 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ DisableVolumeForStorage()

void TRestGeant4Event::DisableVolumeForStorage ( Int_t  n)

Definition at line 190 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ DrawEvent() [1/2]

TPad * TRestGeant4Event::DrawEvent ( const TString &  option,
Bool_t  autoBoundaries 

This method draws the geant4 event that it is available at the moment in memory. It uses TGraph and TH2D ROOT drawing objects. This method generates a drawing TPad with enough divisions to host all the options given by argument.

This method receives an optional argument as string that allows to control which plots are generated. Different options can be passed to the string separated by the options using colons, as "option1:option2:option3". Each option will generate a new independent drawing pad.

The following options are allowed:

  1. histX,Y,Z: It generates a 1-dimensional TH1D histogram with the projected event hits at the corresponding axis, the bins are weighted with their correspoding energy. Histograms will accept as argument, between parenthesis, a conventional ROOT option, i.e. histX(rootOption), where rootOption is any valid ROOT option as described by the THistPainter ROOT class. On top of that, we may pass additional options using the [ ] to change the default binning size, which is set to 3, or draw the stats box, i.e. histX(Cont0,colz)[binSize=1,stats].
  2. histXY,XZ,YZ: It generates a bi-dimensional TH2D histogram with the projected event hits at the corresponding plane, the bins are weighted with their corresponding energy. Histograms will accept as argument, between parenthesis, a conventional ROOT option, i.e. histX(rootOption), where rootOption is any valid ROOT option as described by the THistPainter ROOT class. On top of that, we may pass additional options using the [ ] to change the default binning size, which is set to 3, or draw the stats box, i.e. histXY(Cont0,colz)[binSize=1,stats].
  3. graphXY,XZ,YZ: It generates a bi-dimensional TH2D histogram with the projected event hits at the corresponding plane, the bins are weighted with their corresponding energy. We may specify physical Geant4 processes such as photoeletric or Compton, existing at the Geant4 processes list, you may check the process names at the TRestGeant4Track source implementation, till we get a better way of storing the processes list or retrieve them directly from Geant4. Specifying a physical process between square brackets [ ] will mark those hits at the event drawing pad that match those given at the argument, i.e. graphXY[eBrem,phot,compt].
  4. print: Prints in the screen terminal the output of the TRestGeant4Event::PrintEvent method. This option will not generate a new drawing pad.

Example 1:

TPad * DrawEvent(const TString &option="") override
Draw the event.

Example 2:


If not argument is given, the default option list is equivalent to execute the following:


Definition at line 1020 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ DrawEvent() [2/2]

TPad * TRestGeant4Event::DrawEvent ( const TString &  option = "")

Draw the event.

To be implemented in the derived class

Reimplemented from TRestEvent.

Definition at line 238 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetBoundingBoxSize()

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::GetBoundingBoxSize ( )

This method returns the event size as the size of the bounding box enclosing all hits.

Definition at line 291 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetEnergyDepositedByParticle()

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::GetEnergyDepositedByParticle ( const TString &  particleName) const

Definition at line 263 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetEnergyInVolume()

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::GetEnergyInVolume ( const std::string &  volumeName) const

Definition at line 178 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetEnergyInVolumeMap()

map< string, double > TRestGeant4Event::GetEnergyInVolumeMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1288 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetEnergyInVolumePerParticleMap()

map< string, map< string, double > > TRestGeant4Event::GetEnergyInVolumePerParticleMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1252 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetEnergyInVolumePerParticlePerProcessMap()

map< string, map< string, map< string, double > > > TRestGeant4Event::GetEnergyInVolumePerParticlePerProcessMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1300 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetEnergyInVolumePerProcessMap()

map< string, map< string, double > > TRestGeant4Event::GetEnergyInVolumePerProcessMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1240 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetEnergyPerParticleMap()

map< string, double > TRestGeant4Event::GetEnergyPerParticleMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1276 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetEnergyPerProcessMap()

map< string, double > TRestGeant4Event::GetEnergyPerProcessMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1264 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetFirstPositionInVolume()

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::GetFirstPositionInVolume ( Int_t  volID) const

Function to get the position (TVector3) of the first track that deposits energy in specified volume. If no hit is found for the volume, returns TVector3(nan, nan, nan) vector.

volIDInt_t specifying volume ID

Definition at line 166 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetGeant4Metadata()

const TRestGeant4Metadata * TRestGeant4Event::GetGeant4Metadata ( ) const

Definition at line 1211 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetHits()

TRestHits TRestGeant4Event::GetHits ( Int_t  volID = -1) const

Function that returns all the hit depositions in the Geant4 event. If a specific volume is given as argument only the hits of that specific volume will be added to the TRestHits returned object.

Definition at line 234 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetHitsInVolume()

TRestHits TRestGeant4Event::GetHitsInVolume ( Int_t  volID) const

Definition at line 184 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetLastPositionInVolume()

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::GetLastPositionInVolume ( Int_t  volID) const

Function to get the position (TVector3) of the last track that deposits energy in specified volume. If no hit is found for the volume, returns TVector3(nan, nan, nan) vector. If an event enters and exits a volume multiple times this will only return the last exit position, one needs to keep this in mind when using this observable.

volIDInt_t specifying volume ID

Definition at line 183 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetLowestTrackID()

Int_t TRestGeant4Event::GetLowestTrackID ( ) const

Definition at line 201 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetMeanPositionInVolume()

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::GetMeanPositionInVolume ( Int_t  volID) const

Definition at line 107 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetNumberOfActiveVolumes()

Int_t TRestGeant4Event::GetNumberOfActiveVolumes ( ) const

Definition at line 155 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetNumberOfHits()

size_t TRestGeant4Event::GetNumberOfHits ( Int_t  volID = -1) const

Function that returns the total number of hits in the Geant4 event. If a specific volume is given as argument only the hits of that specific volume will be counted.

Definition at line 208 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetNumberOfPhysicalHits()

size_t TRestGeant4Event::GetNumberOfPhysicalHits ( Int_t  volID = -1) const

Function that returns the total number of hits with energy > 0 in the Geant4 event. If a specific volume is given as argument only the hits of that specific volume will be counted.

Definition at line 221 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetNumberOfPrimaries()

size_t TRestGeant4Event::GetNumberOfPrimaries ( ) const

Definition at line 137 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetNumberOfTracks()

size_t TRestGeant4Event::GetNumberOfTracks ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetNumberOfTracksForParticle()

Int_t TRestGeant4Event::GetNumberOfTracksForParticle ( const TString &  particleName) const

Definition at line 253 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetPositionDeviationInVolume()

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::GetPositionDeviationInVolume ( Int_t  volID) const

A method that gets the standard deviation from the hits happening at a particular volumeId inside the geometry.

volIDInt_t specifying volume ID

Definition at line 135 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetPrimaryEventDirection()

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::GetPrimaryEventDirection ( size_t  n = 0) const

Definition at line 140 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetPrimaryEventEnergy()

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::GetPrimaryEventEnergy ( size_t  n = 0) const

Definition at line 142 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetPrimaryEventOrigin()

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::GetPrimaryEventOrigin ( ) const

Definition at line 141 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetPrimaryEventParticleName()

TString TRestGeant4Event::GetPrimaryEventParticleName ( size_t  n = 0) const

Definition at line 139 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetSensitiveVolumeEnergy()

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::GetSensitiveVolumeEnergy ( ) const

Definition at line 164 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetSubEventPrimaryEventDirection()

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::GetSubEventPrimaryEventDirection ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetSubEventPrimaryEventEnergy()

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::GetSubEventPrimaryEventEnergy ( ) const

Definition at line 148 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetSubEventPrimaryEventOrigin()

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::GetSubEventPrimaryEventOrigin ( ) const

Definition at line 147 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetSubEventPrimaryEventParticleName()

TString TRestGeant4Event::GetSubEventPrimaryEventParticleName ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetTotalDepositedEnergy()

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::GetTotalDepositedEnergy ( ) const

Definition at line 162 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetTrack()

const TRestGeant4Track & TRestGeant4Event::GetTrack ( int  n) const

Definition at line 158 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetTrackByID()

TRestGeant4Track * TRestGeant4Event::GetTrackByID ( Int_t  trackID) const

Definition at line 191 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetTrackPointer()

TRestGeant4Track * TRestGeant4Event::GetTrackPointer ( int  n)

Definition at line 159 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetTracks()

const std::vector< TRestGeant4Track > & TRestGeant4Event::GetTracks ( ) const

Definition at line 153 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ GetUniqueParticles()

set< string > TRestGeant4Event::GetUniqueParticles ( ) const

Definition at line 1232 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetXHistogram()

TH1D * TRestGeant4Event::GetXHistogram ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  optList 

Definition at line 804 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetXYHistogram()

TH2F * TRestGeant4Event::GetXYHistogram ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  optList 

Definition at line 626 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetXYMultiGraph()

TMultiGraph * TRestGeant4Event::GetXYMultiGraph ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  pcsList,
Double_t  minPointSize = 0.4,
Double_t  maxPointSize = 4 

Definition at line 348 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetXZHistogram()

TH2F * TRestGeant4Event::GetXZHistogram ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  optList 

Definition at line 685 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetXZMultiGraph()

TMultiGraph * TRestGeant4Event::GetXZMultiGraph ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  pcsList,
Double_t  minPointSize = 0.4,
Double_t  maxPointSize = 4 

Definition at line 532 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetYHistogram()

TH1D * TRestGeant4Event::GetYHistogram ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  optList 

Definition at line 906 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetYZHistogram()

TH2F * TRestGeant4Event::GetYZHistogram ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  optList 

Definition at line 744 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetYZMultiGraph()

TMultiGraph * TRestGeant4Event::GetYZMultiGraph ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  pcsList,
Double_t  minPointSize = 0.4,
Double_t  maxPointSize = 4 

Definition at line 440 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ GetZHistogram()

TH1D * TRestGeant4Event::GetZHistogram ( Int_t  gridElement,
std::vector< TString >  optList 

Definition at line 855 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ Initialize()

void TRestGeant4Event::Initialize ( )

Run to initialize event data. To be re-implemented in derived class, you may want to call the base class at the end of the re-implemented, by calling TRestEvent::Initialize();

Implements TRestEvent.

Definition at line 43 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ InitializeReferences()

void TRestGeant4Event::InitializeReferences ( TRestRun run)

Initialize dynamical references when loading the event from a root file.

This method should only be called from TRestRun::GetEntry and it will give the corresponding TRestEvent access to the instance of TRestRun. In a derived class such as TRestGeant4Event, it can be overwritten to give each track access to the event

Reimplemented from TRestEvent.

Definition at line 1219 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ IsSubEvent()

Bool_t TRestGeant4Event::IsSubEvent ( ) const

Definition at line 144 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ isVolumeStored()

Int_t TRestGeant4Event::isVolumeStored ( int  n) const

Definition at line 157 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ PrintActiveVolumes()

void TRestGeant4Event::PrintActiveVolumes ( ) const

maxTracks : number of tracks to print, 0 = all

Definition at line 1123 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ PrintEvent()

void TRestGeant4Event::PrintEvent ( int  maxTracks = 0,
int  maxHits = 0 
) const

Definition at line 1135 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ SetBoundaries() [1/2]

void TRestGeant4Event::SetBoundaries ( )

Definition at line 301 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ SetBoundaries() [2/2]

void TRestGeant4Event::SetBoundaries ( Double_t  xMin,
Double_t  xMax,
Double_t  yMin,
Double_t  yMax,
Double_t  zMin,
Double_t  zMax 

Definition at line 273 of file TRestGeant4Event.cxx.

◆ SetEnergyDepositedInVolume()

void TRestGeant4Event::SetEnergyDepositedInVolume ( Int_t  volID,
Double_t  eDep 

Definition at line 196 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ SetSensitiveVolumeEnergy()

void TRestGeant4Event::SetSensitiveVolumeEnergy ( Double_t  en)

Definition at line 199 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ OutputManager

friend class OutputManager

Definition at line 256 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ TRestGeant4QuenchingProcess

friend class TRestGeant4QuenchingProcess

Definition at line 257 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

Field Documentation

◆ fEnergyInVolumePerParticlePerProcess

std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, double> > > TRestGeant4Event::fEnergyInVolumePerParticlePerProcess

Definition at line 127 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fInitialStep

TRestGeant4Hits TRestGeant4Event::fInitialStep

Definition at line 261 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fLegend_XY

TLegend* TRestGeant4Event::fLegend_XY

Definition at line 85 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fLegend_XZ

TLegend* TRestGeant4Event::fLegend_XZ

Definition at line 86 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fLegend_YZ

TLegend* TRestGeant4Event::fLegend_YZ

Definition at line 87 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fMaxEnergy

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fMaxEnergy

Definition at line 53 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fMaxX

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fMaxX

Definition at line 50 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fMaxY

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fMaxY

Definition at line 51 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fMaxZ

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fMaxZ

Definition at line 52 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fMinEnergy

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fMinEnergy

Definition at line 53 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fMinX

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fMinX

Definition at line 50 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fMinY

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fMinY

Definition at line 51 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fMinZ

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fMinZ

Definition at line 52 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fNVolumes

Int_t TRestGeant4Event::fNVolumes

Definition at line 122 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fPrimaryDirections

std::vector<TVector3> TRestGeant4Event::fPrimaryDirections

Definition at line 112 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fPrimaryEnergies

std::vector<Double_t> TRestGeant4Event::fPrimaryEnergies

Definition at line 111 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fPrimaryParticleNames

std::vector<TString> TRestGeant4Event::fPrimaryParticleNames

Definition at line 110 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fPrimaryPosition

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::fPrimaryPosition

Definition at line 109 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fSensitiveVolumeEnergy

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fSensitiveVolumeEnergy = 0

Definition at line 120 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fSubEventPrimaryDirection

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::fSubEventPrimaryDirection

Definition at line 117 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fSubEventPrimaryEnergy

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fSubEventPrimaryEnergy

Definition at line 115 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fSubEventPrimaryParticleName

TString TRestGeant4Event::fSubEventPrimaryParticleName

Definition at line 114 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fSubEventPrimaryPosition

TVector3 TRestGeant4Event::fSubEventPrimaryPosition

Definition at line 116 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fTotalDepositedEnergy

Double_t TRestGeant4Event::fTotalDepositedEnergy = 0

Definition at line 119 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fTotalHits

Int_t TRestGeant4Event::fTotalHits

Definition at line 91 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fTrackIDToTrackIndex

std::map<Int_t, Int_t> TRestGeant4Event::fTrackIDToTrackIndex = {}

Definition at line 260 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fTracks

std::vector<TRestGeant4Track> TRestGeant4Event::fTracks

Definition at line 128 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fVolumeDepositedEnergy

std::vector<Double_t> TRestGeant4Event::fVolumeDepositedEnergy

Definition at line 125 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fVolumeStored

std::vector<Int_t> TRestGeant4Event::fVolumeStored

Definition at line 123 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fVolumeStoredNames

std::vector<std::string> TRestGeant4Event::fVolumeStoredNames

Definition at line 124 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXHisto

TH1D* TRestGeant4Event::fXHisto

Definition at line 81 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXYHisto

TH2F* TRestGeant4Event::fXYHisto

Definition at line 77 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXYHitGraph

TGraph* TRestGeant4Event::fXYHitGraph

Definition at line 65 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXYMultiGraph

TMultiGraph* TRestGeant4Event::fXYMultiGraph

Definition at line 74 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXYPcsMarker

std::vector<TGraph*> TRestGeant4Event::fXYPcsMarker

Definition at line 68 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXZHisto

TH2F* TRestGeant4Event::fXZHisto

Definition at line 78 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXZHitGraph

TGraph* TRestGeant4Event::fXZHitGraph

Definition at line 63 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXZMultiGraph

TMultiGraph* TRestGeant4Event::fXZMultiGraph

Definition at line 72 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fXZPcsMarker

std::vector<TGraph*> TRestGeant4Event::fXZPcsMarker

Definition at line 70 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fYHisto

TH1D* TRestGeant4Event::fYHisto

Definition at line 82 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fYZHisto

TH2F* TRestGeant4Event::fYZHisto

Definition at line 79 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fYZHitGraph

TGraph* TRestGeant4Event::fYZHitGraph

Definition at line 64 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fYZMultiGraph

TMultiGraph* TRestGeant4Event::fYZMultiGraph

Definition at line 73 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fYZPcsMarker

std::vector<TGraph*> TRestGeant4Event::fYZPcsMarker

Definition at line 69 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ fZHisto

TH1D* TRestGeant4Event::fZHisto

Definition at line 83 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

◆ legendAdded

std::vector<Int_t> TRestGeant4Event::legendAdded

Definition at line 89 of file TRestGeant4Event.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: