REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
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TRestDataSet Class Reference

Detailed Description

It allows to group a number of runs that satisfy given metadata conditions.

This class allows to make a selection of ROOT data files that fulfill certain metadata conditions allowing to create a group of files that define a particular dataset. The files will be searched in a relative or absolute path that is given together the filePattern parameter.

Basic file selection

We will be able to define the dates range where files will be accepted, using startTime and endTime parameters. The run start time and end time stored inside TRestRun will be evaluated to decide if the file should be considered.

A summary of the basic parameters follows:

Metadata rules

We may add rules for any metadata class existing inside our ROOT datafiles. For such, we use the filter key where we define the metadata member name where we want to evaluate the rules. We need to define the metadata field where we specify the class name or metadata user given name, together with the metadata member we want to access, the metadata member must be named using the coventions defined inside the methods TRestRun::ReplaceMetadataMember and TRestRun::ReplaceMetadataMembers.

Three optional fields can be used to apply the rule:

Example of metadata rule:

<filter metadata="TRestRun::fRunTag" contains="Baby" />

Branches (or observables) selection

Once the files that fulfill the given dates, filename pattern and metadata rules have been identified, the initialization will produce an instance to a ROOT::RDataFrame and an instance to a ROOT::TTree that will give access to the unified analysis tree. The available columns or branches at those instances will be defined by the user inside this metadata class, through the special keywords observables and processObservables.

Their use can be seen in the following example:

<TRestDataSet name="DummySet">
<parameter name="startTime" value = "2022/04/28 00:00" />
<parameter name="endTime" value = "2022/04/28 23:59" />
<parameter name="filePattern" value="test*.root"/>
<filter metadata="TRestRun::fRunTag" contains="Baby" />
// Will add to the final tree only the specific observables
<observables list="g4Ana_totalEdep:hitsAna_energy" />
// Will apply a cut to the observables
<cut name="c1" variable="rawAna_NumberOfGoodSignals" condition=">1" />
<cut name="c1" variable="rawAna_NumberOfGoodSignals" condition="<100" />
// Will add all the observables from the process `rawAna`
<processObservables list="rate:rawAna" />
A class to help on cuts definitions. To be used with TRestAnalysisTree.
Definition TRestCut.h:31
It allows to group a number of runs that satisfy given metadata conditions.

Basic usage

The basic usage of this class is by loading the metadata class as any other metadata class. After initialization, the user will get access to the internal RDataFrame and TTree data members, as shown in the following example:

[0] TRestDataSet d("dataset");
[1] d.GenerateDataSet();
[2] d.GetTree()->GetEntries()
[3] d.GetDataFrame().GetColumnNames()

We can then use our favorite ROOT::RDataFrame or TTree methods.

Exporting datasets

On top of performing a compilation of runs to construct a dataset and access the data in a unified way, we may also save the generated dataset to disk. This feature might be used to generate easier to handle data compilations that have been extracted from an official data repository.

Different output formats are supported:

Example 1 Generate DataSet from config file:

[0] TRestDataSet d("dataset", "dataSetName");
[1] d.GenerateDataSet();
[2] d.Export("mydataset.csv");
[3] d.Export("mydataset.root");

Example 2 Import existing DataSet:

[0] TRestDataSet d();
[1] d.Import("myDataSet.root");
[2] d.GetTree()->GetEntries()

Example 3 Automatically importing a dataset using restRoot

restRoot Dataset_FinalBabyIAXO_XMM_mM_P14.root
REST dataset file identified. It contains a valid TRestDataSet.
Importing dataset /nfs/dust/iaxo/user/jgalan//Dataset_FinalBabyIAXO_XMM_mM_P14.root as `dSet`
The dataset is ready. You may now access the dataset using:
- dSet->PrintMetadata()
- dSet->GetDataFrame().GetColumnNames()
- dSet->GetTree()->GetEntries()
- dSet->GetDataFrame().Display("")->Print()
- dSet->GetDataFrame().Display({"colName1,colName2"})->Print()
void PrintMetadata() override
Prints on screen the information about the metadata members of TRestDataSet.
void Print()
Implementing TObject::Print() method.

Relevant quantities

Sometimes we will be willing that our dataset contains few variables that are extremelly meaningful for the data compilation, and that will be required for further calculations or for the proper interpretation of the data. The key <quantity will allow the user to define relevant quantities that will be stored together with the dataset. These quantitites must be extracted from existing metadata members that are present at the original files. There are different fields allowed inside, such as: name, metadata, strategy and description.


<quantity name="Nsim" metadata="[TRestProcessRunner::fEventsToProcess]"
strategy="accumulate" description="The total number of simulated events."/>

The name field will be the user given name of the quantity. The metadata field inside the <quantity definition will allow to include a metadata member or a calculation based on a formula where metadata members intervine. The method TRestRun::ReplaceMetadataMembers is the responsible to translate the given metadata formula into a numeric value, check the documentation inside that method to find out the proper format of metadata members inside this field.

There are also different strategies for extracting the quantity value, which are defined by the user using the field strategy, the different options available are:

Adding a new column based on relevant quantities

Using the method TRestDataSet::Define method we can implement a formula based on column names and relevant quantities. Then, the relevant quantities will be sustituted by their dataset value.

dataset.Define("newColumnName", "QuantityName * column1" )
dataset.GetDataFrame().Display({"column1", "newColumnName"})->Print();

Adding a new column on-the-fly during the dataset generation

It is also possible to add new column definitions inside the RML so that the new column will be already pre-generated and included in the new dataset when we invoke TRestDataSet::GenerateDataSet.

We can use a valid mathematical expression where we may include any already existing column or observable, and/or any relevant quantity we introduced in our dataset definition.

We may use the addColumn keyword to add new columns as follows:

<addColumn name="NormalFlux" expression="SolarFlux*GeneratorArea/Nsim" />

where SolarFlux,GeneratorArea and Nsim are the given names of the relevant quantities inside the dataset.

Adding cuts

It is also possible to add cuts used to filter the data that will be stored inside the dataset. We can do that including a TRestCut definition inside the TRestDataSet.

For example, the following cut definition would discard entries with unexpected values inside the specified column, process_status.

<cut name="goodData" value="!TMath::IsNaN(process_status)"/>

REST-for-Physics - Software for Rare Event Searches Toolkit

History of developments:

2022-November: First implementation of TRestDataSet Javier Galan

: Javier Galan (

Definition at line 34 of file TRestDataSet.h.

#include <TRestDataSet.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRestDataSet:

Data Structures

struct  RelevantQuantity

Public Member Functions

ROOT::RDF::RNode ApplyRange (size_t from, size_t to)
 This method reduces the number of samples inside the dataset by selecting a range.
 ClassDefOverride (TRestDataSet, 8)
ROOT::RDF::RNode DefineColumn (const std::string &columnName, const std::string &formula)
 This function will add a new column to the RDataFrame using the same scheme as the usual RDF::Define method, but it will on top of that evaluate the values of any relevant quantities used.
void EnableMultiThreading (Bool_t enable=true)
void Export (const std::string &filename, std::vector< std::string > excludeColumns={})
 It will generate an output file with the dataset compilation. Only the selected branches and the files that fulfill the metadata filter conditions will be included.
void GenerateDataSet ()
 This function generates the data frame with the filelist and column names (or observables) that have been defined by the user.
auto GetAddedColumns () const
auto GetCut () const
ROOT::RDF::RNode GetDataFrame () const
 Gives access to the RDataFrame.
auto GetEndTime () const
size_t GetEntries ()
 It returns the number of entries found inside fDataFrame and prints out a warning if the number of entries inside the tree is not the same.
auto GetFilePattern () const
std::vector< std::string > GetFileSelection ()
 It returns a list of the files that have been finally selected.
auto GetFileSelection () const
auto GetFilterContains () const
auto GetFilterEndTime () const
auto GetFilterEqualsTo () const
auto GetFilterGreaterThan () const
auto GetFilterLowerThan () const
auto GetFilterMetadata () const
auto GetFilterStartTime () const
size_t GetNumberOfBranches ()
 Number of variables (or observables)
size_t GetNumberOfColumns ()
 Number of variables (or observables)
auto GetObservablesList () const
auto GetProcessObservablesList () const
auto GetQuantity () const
auto GetStartTime () const
Double_t GetTotalTimeInSeconds () const
 It returns the accumulated run time in seconds.
TTree * GetTree () const
 Gives access to the tree.
void Import (const std::string &fileName)
 This function imports metadata from a root file it import metadata info from the previous dataSet while it opens the analysis tree.
void Import (std::vector< std::string > fileNames)
 This function initializes the chained tree and the RDataFrame using as input several root files that should contain TRestDataSet metadata information. The values of the first dataset will be considered to be stored in this new instance.
void Initialize () override
 This function initialize different parameters from the TRestDataSet.
auto IsMergedDataSet () const
ROOT::RDF::RNode MakeCut (const TRestCut *cut)
 This function applies a TRestCut to the dataframe and returns a dataframe with the applied cuts. Note that the cuts are not applied directly to the dataframe on TRestDataSet, to do so you should do fDataFrame = MakeCut(fCut);.
Bool_t Merge (const TRestDataSet &dS)
 This function merge different TRestDataSet metadata in current dataSet.
TRestDataSetoperator= (TRestDataSet &dS)
 Operator to copy TRestDataSet metadata.
void PrintMetadata () override
 Prints on screen the information about the metadata members of TRestDataSet.
ROOT::RDF::RNode Range (size_t from, size_t to)
 This method returns a RDataFrame node with the number of samples inside the dataset by selecting a range. It will not modify internally the dataset. See ApplyRange to modify internally the dataset.
void SetDataFrame (const ROOT::RDF::RNode &dS)
void SetFilePattern (const std::string &pattern)
void SetObservablesList (const std::vector< std::string > &obsList)
void SetQuantity (const std::map< std::string, RelevantQuantity > &quantity)
void SetTotalTimeInSeconds (Double_t seconds)
 TRestDataSet ()
 Default constructor.
 TRestDataSet (const char *cfgFileName, const std::string &name="")
 Constructor loading data from a config file.
 ~TRestDataSet ()
 Default destructor.

Protected Member Functions

virtual std::vector< std::string > FileSelection ()
 Function to determine the filenames that satisfy the dataset conditions.
void RegenerateTree (std::vector< std::string > finalList={})
 It regenerates the tree so that it is an exact copy of the present DataFrame.

Private Member Functions

void InitFromConfigFile () override
 Initialization of specific TRestDataSet members through an RML file.

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > fColumnNameExpressions
 A list of new columns together with its corresponding expressions added to the dataset.
TRestCutfCut = nullptr
 Parameter cuts over the selected dataset.
ROOT::RDF::RNode fDataFrame = ROOT::RDataFrame(0)
 The resulting RDF::RNode object after initialization.
Double_t fEndTime = REST_StringHelper::StringToTimeStamp(fFilterStartTime)
 TimeStamp for the end time of the last file.
Bool_t fExternal = false
std::string fFilePattern = ""
 A glob file pattern that must be satisfied by all files.
std::vector< std::string > fFileSelection
 A list populated by the FileSelection method using the conditions of the dataset.
std::vector< std::string > fFilterContains
 If not empty it will check if the metadata member contains the string.
std::string fFilterEndTime = "3000/12/31"
 All the selected runs will have an ending date before fEndTime.
std::vector< Double_t > fFilterEqualsTo
 If the corresponding element is not empty it will check if the metadata member is equal.
std::vector< Double_t > fFilterGreaterThan
 If the corresponding element is not empty it will check if the metadata member is greater.
std::vector< Double_t > fFilterLowerThan
 If the corresponding element is not empty it will check if the metadata member is lower.
std::vector< std::string > fFilterMetadata
 A list of metadata members where filters will be applied.
std::string fFilterStartTime = "2000/01/01"
 All the selected runs will have a starting date after fStartTime.
std::vector< std::string > fImportedFiles
 The list of dataset files imported.
Bool_t fMergedDataset = false
 It keeps track if the generated dataset is a pure dataset or a merged one.
Bool_t fMT = false
 A flag to enable Multithreading during dataframe generation.
std::vector< std::string > fObservablesList
 It contains a list of the observables that will be added to the final tree or exported file.
std::vector< std::string > fProcessObservablesList
 It contains a list of the process where all observables should be added.
std::map< std::string, RelevantQuantityfQuantity
 The properties of a relevant quantity that we want to store together with the dataset.
Double_t fStartTime = REST_StringHelper::StringToTimeStamp(fFilterEndTime)
 TimeStamp for the start time of the first file.
Double_t fTotalDuration = 0
 The total integrated run time of selected files.
TChain * fTree = nullptr
 A pointer to the generated tree.

Additional Inherited Members

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TRestDataSet() [1/2]

TRestDataSet::TRestDataSet ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 303 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ TRestDataSet() [2/2]

TRestDataSet::TRestDataSet ( const char *  cfgFileName,
const std::string &  name = "" 

Constructor loading data from a config file.

If no configuration path is defined using TRestMetadata::SetConfigFilePath the path to the config file must be specified using full path, absolute or relative.

The default behaviour is that the config file must be specified with full path, absolute or relative.

cfgFileNameA const char* giving the path to an RML file.
nameThe name of the specific metadata. It will be used to find the corresponding TRestAxionMagneticField section inside the RML.

Definition at line 319 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ ~TRestDataSet()

TRestDataSet::~TRestDataSet ( )

Default destructor.

Definition at line 326 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyRange()

ROOT::RDF::RNode TRestDataSet::ApplyRange ( size_t  from,
size_t  to 

This method reduces the number of samples inside the dataset by selecting a range.

Definition at line 542 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ DefineColumn()

ROOT::RDF::RNode TRestDataSet::DefineColumn ( const std::string &  columnName,
const std::string &  formula 

This function will add a new column to the RDataFrame using the same scheme as the usual RDF::Define method, but it will on top of that evaluate the values of any relevant quantities used.

For example, the following code line would create a new column named test replacing the relevant quantity Nsim and the previously existing column probability.

d.Define("test", "Nsim * probability");

Definition at line 618 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ EnableMultiThreading()

void TRestDataSet::EnableMultiThreading ( Bool_t  enable = true)

Definition at line 135 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ Export()

void TRestDataSet::Export ( const std::string &  filename,
std::vector< std::string >  excludeColumns = {} 

It will generate an output file with the dataset compilation. Only the selected branches and the files that fulfill the metadata filter conditions will be included.

For the moment we produce two different output files.

  • A plain-text (file recognized with csv or txt extension): It will produce a table with observable values, including a header of the dataset conditions.
  • A root file (recognized through its root extension): It will write to disk an Snapshot of the current dataset, i.e. in standard TTree format, together with a copy of the TRestDataSet instance that contains the conditions used to generate the dataset.

Definition at line 861 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ FileSelection()

std::vector< std::string > TRestDataSet::FileSelection ( )

Function to determine the filenames that satisfy the dataset conditions.

Definition at line 424 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ GenerateDataSet()

void TRestDataSet::GenerateDataSet ( )

This function generates the data frame with the filelist and column names (or observables) that have been defined by the user.

Definition at line 338 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ GetAddedColumns()

auto TRestDataSet::GetAddedColumns ( ) const

Definition at line 182 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetCut()

auto TRestDataSet::GetCut ( ) const

Definition at line 183 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetDataFrame()

ROOT::RDF::RNode TRestDataSet::GetDataFrame ( ) const

Gives access to the RDataFrame.

Definition at line 129 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetEndTime()

auto TRestDataSet::GetEndTime ( ) const

Definition at line 171 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetEntries()

size_t TRestDataSet::GetEntries ( )

It returns the number of entries found inside fDataFrame and prints out a warning if the number of entries inside the tree is not the same.

Definition at line 597 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ GetFilePattern()

auto TRestDataSet::GetFilePattern ( ) const

Definition at line 172 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFileSelection() [1/2]

std::vector< std::string > TRestDataSet::GetFileSelection ( )

It returns a list of the files that have been finally selected.

Definition at line 163 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFileSelection() [2/2]

auto TRestDataSet::GetFileSelection ( ) const

Definition at line 174 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFilterContains()

auto TRestDataSet::GetFilterContains ( ) const

Definition at line 177 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFilterEndTime()

auto TRestDataSet::GetFilterEndTime ( ) const

Definition at line 169 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFilterEqualsTo()

auto TRestDataSet::GetFilterEqualsTo ( ) const

Definition at line 180 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFilterGreaterThan()

auto TRestDataSet::GetFilterGreaterThan ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFilterLowerThan()

auto TRestDataSet::GetFilterLowerThan ( ) const

Definition at line 179 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFilterMetadata()

auto TRestDataSet::GetFilterMetadata ( ) const

Definition at line 176 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetFilterStartTime()

auto TRestDataSet::GetFilterStartTime ( ) const

Definition at line 168 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetNumberOfBranches()

size_t TRestDataSet::GetNumberOfBranches ( )

Number of variables (or observables)

Definition at line 160 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetNumberOfColumns()

size_t TRestDataSet::GetNumberOfColumns ( )

Number of variables (or observables)

Definition at line 157 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetObservablesList()

auto TRestDataSet::GetObservablesList ( ) const

Definition at line 173 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetProcessObservablesList()

auto TRestDataSet::GetProcessObservablesList ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetQuantity()

auto TRestDataSet::GetQuantity ( ) const

Definition at line 181 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetStartTime()

auto TRestDataSet::GetStartTime ( ) const

Definition at line 170 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetTotalTimeInSeconds()

Double_t TRestDataSet::GetTotalTimeInSeconds ( ) const

It returns the accumulated run time in seconds.

Definition at line 166 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ GetTree()

TTree * TRestDataSet::GetTree ( ) const

Gives access to the tree.

Definition at line 138 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ Import() [1/2]

void TRestDataSet::Import ( const std::string &  fileName)

This function imports metadata from a root file it import metadata info from the previous dataSet while it opens the analysis tree.

Definition at line 1052 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ Import() [2/2]

void TRestDataSet::Import ( std::vector< std::string >  fileNames)

This function initializes the chained tree and the RDataFrame using as input several root files that should contain TRestDataSet metadata information. The values of the first dataset will be considered to be stored in this new instance.

The metadata member fMergedDataset will be set to true to understand this dataset is the combination of several datasets, and not a pure original one.

Definition at line 1097 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ InitFromConfigFile()

void TRestDataSet::InitFromConfigFile ( )

Initialization of specific TRestDataSet members through an RML file.

Reading filters

Reading observables

Reading process observables

Reading relevant quantities

Reading new dataset columns

Reimplemented from TRestMetadata.

Definition at line 732 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ Initialize()

void TRestDataSet::Initialize ( )

This function initialize different parameters from the TRestDataSet.

Reimplemented from TRestMetadata.

Definition at line 332 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ IsMergedDataSet()

auto TRestDataSet::IsMergedDataSet ( ) const

Definition at line 184 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ MakeCut()

ROOT::RDF::RNode TRestDataSet::MakeCut ( const TRestCut cut)

This function applies a TRestCut to the dataframe and returns a dataframe with the applied cuts. Note that the cuts are not applied directly to the dataframe on TRestDataSet, to do so you should do fDataFrame = MakeCut(fCut);.

Definition at line 554 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ Merge()

Bool_t TRestDataSet::Merge ( const TRestDataSet dS)

This function merge different TRestDataSet metadata in current dataSet.

Definition at line 1027 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ operator=()

TRestDataSet & TRestDataSet::operator= ( TRestDataSet dS)

Operator to copy TRestDataSet metadata.

Definition at line 1000 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ PrintMetadata()

void TRestDataSet::PrintMetadata ( )

Prints on screen the information about the metadata members of TRestDataSet.

Reimplemented from TRestMetadata.

Definition at line 633 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ Range()

ROOT::RDF::RNode TRestDataSet::Range ( size_t  from,
size_t  to 

This method returns a RDataFrame node with the number of samples inside the dataset by selecting a range. It will not modify internally the dataset. See ApplyRange to modify internally the dataset.

Definition at line 536 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ RegenerateTree()

void TRestDataSet::RegenerateTree ( std::vector< std::string >  finalList = {})

It regenerates the tree so that it is an exact copy of the present DataFrame.

Definition at line 405 of file TRestDataSet.cxx.

◆ SetDataFrame()

void TRestDataSet::SetDataFrame ( const ROOT::RDF::RNode &  dS)

Definition at line 191 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ SetFilePattern()

void TRestDataSet::SetFilePattern ( const std::string &  pattern)

Definition at line 187 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ SetObservablesList()

void TRestDataSet::SetObservablesList ( const std::vector< std::string > &  obsList)

Definition at line 186 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ SetQuantity()

void TRestDataSet::SetQuantity ( const std::map< std::string, RelevantQuantity > &  quantity)

Definition at line 188 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ SetTotalTimeInSeconds()

void TRestDataSet::SetTotalTimeInSeconds ( Double_t  seconds)

Definition at line 190 of file TRestDataSet.h.

Field Documentation

◆ fColumnNameExpressions

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > TRestDataSet::fColumnNameExpressions

A list of new columns together with its corresponding expressions added to the dataset.

Definition at line 106 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fCut

TRestCut* TRestDataSet::fCut = nullptr

Parameter cuts over the selected dataset.

Definition at line 85 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fDataFrame

ROOT::RDF::RNode TRestDataSet::fDataFrame = ROOT::RDataFrame(0)

The resulting RDF::RNode object after initialization.

Definition at line 115 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fEndTime

Double_t TRestDataSet::fEndTime = REST_StringHelper::StringToTimeStamp(fFilterStartTime)

TimeStamp for the end time of the last file.

Definition at line 97 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fExternal

Bool_t TRestDataSet::fExternal = false

Definition at line 112 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFilePattern

std::string TRestDataSet::fFilePattern = ""

A glob file pattern that must be satisfied by all files.

Definition at line 58 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFileSelection

std::vector<std::string> TRestDataSet::fFileSelection

A list populated by the FileSelection method using the conditions of the dataset.

Definition at line 91 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFilterContains

std::vector<std::string> TRestDataSet::fFilterContains

If not empty it will check if the metadata member contains the string.

Definition at line 70 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFilterEndTime

std::string TRestDataSet::fFilterEndTime = "3000/12/31"

All the selected runs will have an ending date before fEndTime.

Definition at line 55 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFilterEqualsTo

std::vector<Double_t> TRestDataSet::fFilterEqualsTo

If the corresponding element is not empty it will check if the metadata member is equal.

Definition at line 79 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFilterGreaterThan

std::vector<Double_t> TRestDataSet::fFilterGreaterThan

If the corresponding element is not empty it will check if the metadata member is greater.

Definition at line 73 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFilterLowerThan

std::vector<Double_t> TRestDataSet::fFilterLowerThan

If the corresponding element is not empty it will check if the metadata member is lower.

Definition at line 76 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFilterMetadata

std::vector<std::string> TRestDataSet::fFilterMetadata

A list of metadata members where filters will be applied.

Definition at line 67 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fFilterStartTime

std::string TRestDataSet::fFilterStartTime = "2000/01/01"

All the selected runs will have a starting date after fStartTime.

Definition at line 52 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fImportedFiles

std::vector<std::string> TRestDataSet::fImportedFiles

The list of dataset files imported.

Definition at line 103 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fMergedDataset

Bool_t TRestDataSet::fMergedDataset = false

It keeps track if the generated dataset is a pure dataset or a merged one.

Definition at line 100 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fMT

Bool_t TRestDataSet::fMT = false

A flag to enable Multithreading during dataframe generation.

Definition at line 109 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fObservablesList

std::vector<std::string> TRestDataSet::fObservablesList

It contains a list of the observables that will be added to the final tree or exported file.

Definition at line 61 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fProcessObservablesList

std::vector<std::string> TRestDataSet::fProcessObservablesList

It contains a list of the process where all observables should be added.

Definition at line 64 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fQuantity

std::map<std::string, RelevantQuantity> TRestDataSet::fQuantity

The properties of a relevant quantity that we want to store together with the dataset.

Definition at line 82 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fStartTime

Double_t TRestDataSet::fStartTime = REST_StringHelper::StringToTimeStamp(fFilterEndTime)

TimeStamp for the start time of the first file.

Definition at line 94 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fTotalDuration

Double_t TRestDataSet::fTotalDuration = 0

The total integrated run time of selected files.

Definition at line 88 of file TRestDataSet.h.

◆ fTree

TChain* TRestDataSet::fTree = nullptr

A pointer to the generated tree.

Definition at line 118 of file TRestDataSet.h.

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