REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
TRestRawFFT Class Reference

Detailed Description

         RESTSoft : Software for Rare Event Searches with TPCs


         Event class to help for using TFFT

         dec 2015:   First concept
             Created as part of the conceptualization of existing REST
             Javier Galan

Definition at line 27 of file TRestRawFFT.h.

#include <TRestRawFFT.h>

Inheritance diagram for TRestRawFFT:

Public Member Functions

void ApplyLowPassFilter (Int_t cutFrequency)
void ApplyResponse (TRestRawFFT *fftInput, Int_t cutOff)
void BackwardFFT ()
void ButterWorthFilter (Int_t cutOff, Int_t order)
void DivideBy (TRestRawFFT *fftInput, Int_t from=0, Int_t to=0)
void ForwardSignalFFT (TRestRawSignal *sgnl, Int_t fNStart=0, Int_t fNEnd=0)
void GaussianSecondOrderResponse (Double_t f1, Double_t f2, Double_t Ao, Double_t sigma)
Double_t GetFrequencyAmplitudeImg (Int_t n)
Double_t GetFrequencyAmplitudeReal (Int_t n)
Double_t GetFrequencyNorm2 (Int_t n)
Int_t GetNfft () const
void GetSignal (TRestRawSignal *sgnl)
void KillFrequencies (Int_t cutOff)
void MultiplyBy (TRestRawFFT *fftInput, Int_t from=0, Int_t to=0)
void ProduceDelta (Int_t t_o, Int_t Nfft)
void RemoveBaseline ()
void RenormalizeNode (Int_t n, Double_t factor)
void SetNfft (Int_t n)
void SetNode (Int_t n, Double_t real, Double_t img=0)
void SetSecondOrderAnalyticalResponse (Double_t f1, Double_t f2, Double_t to)
void WriteFrequencyToTextFile (TString filename)
void WriteTimeSignalToTextFile (TString filename)

Protected Attributes

TArrayD fFrequencyImg
TArrayD fFrequencyReal
Int_t fNfft
TArrayD fTimeImg
TArrayD fTimeReal

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