REST in MacOs

Here you will find a quick recipe for a minimal REST build in MacOs.

  1. Make sure your default shell is set to bash, use the instructions “From system preferences” from the following site.

  2. Install XCode found at the AppStore.

  3. Install brew command tool that can be installed following these instructions.

  4. Install cmake command tool using brew install cmake.

  5. Clone REST repository using the command: git clone rest-framework. For additional details, downloading a particular release, or pulling REST-for-Physics libraries and packages, check the download documentation page.

  6. Install ROOT executing brew install root.

Alternativelly. Go inside the rest-framework installation scripts directory: cd rest-framework/scripts/installation/ and execute ./ Then, you will need to source the compiled ROOT: source $HOME/apps/root-6.24.02/install/bin/

  1. Now go to the rest-framework directory executing cd rest-framework, create a directory mkdir build and execute: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..

  2. Execute make -j install.

  3. In order to use that particular REST compilation you need to load it executing: source ../install/

For additional details enabling REST libraries and packages check the common instructions found at the installation pages.