REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
18 #include "TRestGeant4Track.h"
20 #include "TRestGeant4Event.h"
21 #include "TRestGeant4Metadata.h"
23 using namespace std;
25 ClassImp(TRestGeant4Track);
27 TRestGeant4Track::TRestGeant4Track() = default;
29 TRestGeant4Track::~TRestGeant4Track() = default;
31 Int_t TRestGeant4Track::GetProcessID(const TString& processName) const {
32  const TRestGeant4Metadata* metadata = GetGeant4Metadata();
33  if (metadata != nullptr) {
34  const auto processID = metadata->GetGeant4PhysicsInfo().GetProcessID(processName);
35  if (processID != Int_t{}) {
36  return processID;
37  }
38  }
40  cout << "WARNING : The process " << processName << " was not found" << endl;
41  return -1;
42 }
44 TString TRestGeant4Track::GetProcessName(Int_t processID) const {
45  const TRestGeant4Metadata* metadata = GetGeant4Metadata();
46  if (metadata != nullptr) {
47  const auto& processName = metadata->GetGeant4PhysicsInfo().GetProcessName(processID);
48  if (processName != TString{}) {
49  return processName;
50  }
51  }
53  cout << "WARNING : The process " << processID << " was not found" << endl;
55  return "";
56 }
58 EColor TRestGeant4Track::GetParticleColor() const {
59  EColor color = kGray;
61  if (GetParticleName() == "e-")
62  color = kRed;
63  else if (GetParticleName() == "e+")
64  color = kBlue;
65  else if (GetParticleName() == "alpha")
66  color = kOrange;
67  else if (GetParticleName() == "mu-")
68  color = kViolet;
69  else if (GetParticleName() == "gamma")
70  color = kGreen;
71  else
72  cout << "TRestGeant4Track::GetParticleColor. Particle NOT found! Returning "
73  "gray color."
74  << endl;
76  return color;
77 }
84 size_t TRestGeant4Track::GetNumberOfHits(Int_t volID) const {
85  size_t numberOfHits = 0;
86  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < fHits.GetNumberOfHits(); n++) {
87  if (volID != -1 && fHits.GetVolumeId(n) != volID) {
88  continue;
89  }
90  numberOfHits++;
91  }
92  return numberOfHits;
93 }
100 size_t TRestGeant4Track::GetNumberOfPhysicalHits(Int_t volID) const {
101  size_t numberOfHits = 0;
102  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < fHits.GetNumberOfHits(); n++) {
103  if (volID != -1 && fHits.GetVolumeId(n) != volID) {
104  continue;
105  }
106  if (fHits.GetEnergy(n) <= 0) {
107  continue;
108  }
109  numberOfHits++;
110  }
111  return numberOfHits;
112 }
114 void TRestGeant4Track::PrintTrack(size_t maxHits) const {
115  cout
116  << " * TrackID: " << fTrackID << " - Particle: " << fParticleName << " - ParentID: " << fParentID
117  << ""
118  << (GetParentTrack() != nullptr
119  ? TString::Format(" - Parent particle: %s", GetParentTrack()->GetParticleName().Data()).Data()
120  : "")
121  << " - Created by '" << fCreatorProcess
122  << "' with initial "
123  "KE of "
124  << ToEnergyString(fInitialKineticEnergy) << "" << endl;
126  cout << " Initial position " << VectorToString(fInitialPosition) << " mm at time "
127  << ToTimeString(fGlobalTimestamp) << " - Time length of " << ToTimeString(fTimeLength)
128  << " and spatial length of " << ToLengthString(fLength) << endl;
130  size_t nHits = GetNumberOfHits();
131  if (maxHits > 0 && maxHits < nHits) {
132  nHits = min(maxHits, nHits);
133  cout << "Printing only the first " << nHits << " hits of the track" << endl;
134  }
136  const TRestGeant4Metadata* metadata = GetGeant4Metadata();
137  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nHits; i++) {
138  TString processName = GetProcessName(fHits.GetHitProcess(i));
139  if (processName.IsNull()) {
140  processName =
141  TString(std::to_string(fHits.GetHitProcess(i))); // in case process name is not found, use ID
142  }
144  TString volumeName = "";
145  if (metadata != nullptr) {
146  volumeName = metadata->GetGeant4GeometryInfo().GetVolumeFromID(fHits.GetHitVolume(i));
147  }
148  if (volumeName.IsNull()) {
149  // in case process name is not found, use ID
150  volumeName = TString(std::to_string(fHits.GetHitVolume(i)));
151  }
152  cout << " - Hit " << i << " - Energy: " << ToEnergyString(fHits.GetEnergy(i))
153  << " - Process: " << processName << " - Volume: " << volumeName
154  << " - Position: " << VectorToString(TVector3(fHits.GetX(i), fHits.GetY(i), fHits.GetZ(i)))
155  << " mm - Time: " << ToTimeString(fHits.GetTime(i))
156  << " - KE: " << ToEnergyString(fHits.GetKineticEnergy(i)) << endl;
157  }
158 }
160 Bool_t TRestGeant4Track::ContainsProcessInVolume(Int_t processID, Int_t volumeID) const {
161  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfHits(); i++) {
162  if (fHits.GetHitProcess(i) != processID) continue;
163  if (volumeID == -1 || fHits.GetVolumeId(i) == volumeID) return true;
164  }
165  return false;
166 }
168 Bool_t TRestGeant4Track::ContainsProcessInVolume(const TString& processName, Int_t volumeID) const {
169  const TRestGeant4Metadata* metadata = GetGeant4Metadata();
170  if (metadata == nullptr) {
171  return false;
172  }
173  const auto& processID = metadata->GetGeant4PhysicsInfo().GetProcessID(processName);
174  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfHits(); i++) {
175  if (fHits.GetHitProcess(i) != processID) continue;
176  if (volumeID == -1 || fHits.GetVolumeId(i) == volumeID) return true;
177  }
178  return false;
179 }
181 const TRestGeant4Metadata* TRestGeant4Track::GetGeant4Metadata() const {
182  if (GetEvent() == nullptr) {
183  return nullptr;
184  }
185  return GetEvent()->GetGeant4Metadata();
186 }
188 TRestGeant4Track* TRestGeant4Track::GetParentTrack() const {
189  if (fEvent == nullptr) {
190  return nullptr;
191  }
192  return fEvent->GetTrackByID(GetParentID());
193 }
195 vector<const TRestGeant4Track*> TRestGeant4Track::GetSecondaryTracks() const {
196  vector<const TRestGeant4Track*> secondaryTracks = {};
197  for (const auto trackID : fSecondaryTrackIDs) {
198  const TRestGeant4Track* track = fEvent->GetTrackByID(trackID);
199  if (track != nullptr) {
200  secondaryTracks.push_back(track);
201  }
202  }
203  return secondaryTracks;
204 }
206 TString TRestGeant4Track::GetInitialVolume() const {
207  const auto metadata = GetGeant4Metadata();
208  if (metadata == nullptr) {
209  return "";
210  }
211  const auto& hits = GetHits();
212  return GetGeant4Metadata()->GetGeant4GeometryInfo().GetVolumeFromID(hits.GetVolumeId(0));
213 }
215 TString TRestGeant4Track::GetFinalVolume() const {
216  const auto metadata = GetGeant4Metadata();
217  if (metadata == nullptr) {
218  return "";
219  }
220  const auto& hits = GetHits();
221  return GetGeant4Metadata()->GetGeant4GeometryInfo().GetVolumeFromID(
222  hits.GetVolumeId(hits.GetNumberOfHits() - 1));
223 }
225 Double_t TRestGeant4Track::GetEnergyInVolume(const TString& volumeName, bool children) const {
226  const auto metadata = GetGeant4Metadata();
227  if (metadata == nullptr) {
228  return 0;
229  }
231  const auto volumeId = metadata->GetGeant4GeometryInfo().GetIDFromVolume(volumeName);
233  if (!children) {
234  return GetEnergyInVolume(volumeId);
235  }
237  Double_t energy = 0;
238  vector<const TRestGeant4Track*> tracks = {this};
239  while (!tracks.empty()) {
240  const TRestGeant4Track* track = tracks.back();
241  tracks.pop_back();
242  if (track == nullptr) {
243  continue;
244  }
245  energy += track->GetEnergyInVolume(volumeId);
246  for (const TRestGeant4Track* secondaryTrack : track->GetSecondaryTracks()) {
247  tracks.push_back(secondaryTrack);
248  }
249  }
250  return energy;
251 }
253 TString TRestGeant4Track::GetLastProcessName() const {
254  const auto metadata = GetGeant4Metadata();
255  if (metadata == nullptr) {
256  return "";
257  }
259  const auto& hits = GetHits();
260  return GetGeant4Metadata()->GetGeant4PhysicsInfo().GetProcessName(
261  hits.GetProcess(hits.GetNumberOfHits() - 1));
262 }
The main class to store the Geant4 simulation conditions that will be used by restG4.
const TRestGeant4PhysicsInfo & GetGeant4PhysicsInfo() const
Returns an immutable reference to the physics info.
const TRestGeant4GeometryInfo & GetGeant4GeometryInfo() const
Returns an immutable reference to the geometry info.
void PrintTrack(size_t maxHits=0) const
Prints the track information. N number of hits to print, 0 = all.
size_t GetNumberOfHits(Int_t volID=-1) const
Function that returns the number of hit depositions found inside the TRestGeant4Track....
size_t GetNumberOfPhysicalHits(Int_t volID=-1) const
Function that returns the number of hit depositions found inside the TRestGeant4Track with energy > 0...