23 #ifndef RestCore_TRestRawToDetectorSignalProcess
24 #define RestCore_TRestRawToDetectorSignalProcess
26 #include <TRestDetectorSignalEvent.h>
27 #include <TRestRawSignalEvent.h>
29 #include "TRestEventProcess.h"
56 Bool_t fZeroSuppression =
92 if (fZeroSuppression) {
93 RESTMetadata <<
"Base line range definition : ( " <<
fBaseLineRange.X() <<
" , "
103 RESTMetadata <<
"BaseLine correction is enabled for TRestRawSignalAnalysisProcess" <<
A base class for any REST event process.
void BeginPrintProcess()
[name, cut range]
A base class for any REST event.
An event container for time rawdata signals with fixed length.
It defines a Short_t array with a physical parameter that evolves in time using a fixed time bin.
A process to convert a TRestRawSignalEvent into a TRestDetectorSignalEvent.
Double_t fSignalThreshold
A threshold parameter to accept or reject a pre-identified signal. See process description.
const char * GetProcessName() const override
Returns the name of this process.
Default constructor.
void Initialize() override
Function to initialize input/output event members and define the section name.
RESTValue GetOutputEvent() const override
Get pointer to output event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
void PrintMetadata() override
It prints out the process parameters stored in the metadata structure.
TRestEvent * ProcessEvent(TRestEvent *inputEvent) override
The main processing event function.
Default destructor.
Double_t fPointThreshold
Number of sigmas over baseline fluctuation to accept a point is over threshold.
Double_t fTriggerStarts
The corresponding time of the first bin inside the raw signal.
Int_t fNPointsOverThreshold
Number of consecutive points over threshold required to accept a signal.
Double_t fGain
A factor the data values will be multiplied by at the output signal.
TVector2 fBaseLineRange
The ADC range used for baseline offset definition.
TRestRawSignalEvent * fInputSignalEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestRawSignalEvent input.
TRestDetectorSignalEvent * fOutputSignalEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestDetectorSignalEvent input.
TRestEventProcess * Maker()
Returns a new instance of this class.
Double_t fThreshold
A factor the data values will be multiplied by at the output signal.
RESTValue GetInputEvent() const override
Get pointer to input event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
Bool_t fBaseLineCorrection
A parameter to determine if baseline correction has been applied by a previous process.
TVector2 fIntegralRange
The ADC range used for integral definition and signal identification.
Double_t fSampling
The sampling time used to transform the binned data to time information.