70#include "TRestRawBaseLineCorrectionProcess.h"
74TRestRawBaseLineCorrectionProcess::TRestRawBaseLineCorrectionProcess() {
Initialize(); }
76TRestRawBaseLineCorrectionProcess::~TRestRawBaseLineCorrectionProcess() {
94 for (
int s = 0; s < fInputEvent->GetNumberOfSignals(); s++) {
98 fOutputEvent->AddSignal(*sgnl);
105 fOutputEvent->AddSignal(sgnl2);
A base class for any REST event.
void InitProcess() override
To be executed at the beginning of the run (outside event loop)
TRestEvent * ProcessEvent(TRestEvent *eventInput) override
Process one event.
void EndProcess() override
To be executed at the end of the run (outside event loop)
TVector2 fSignalsRange
It defines the signals id range where analysis is applied.
void Initialize() override
Making default settings.
Int_t fSmoothingWindow
Time window width in bins for the moving average filter for baseline correction.
Bool_t fRangeEnabled
Just a flag to quickly determine if we have to apply the range filter.
An event container for time rawdata signals with fixed length.
It defines a Short_t array with a physical parameter that evolves in time using a fixed time bin.
Int_t GetID() const
Returns the value of signal ID.
void SetID(Int_t sID)
It sets the id number of the signal.
void GetBaseLineCorrected(TRestRawSignal *smoothedSignal, Int_t averagingPoints)
It applies the moving average filter (GetSignalSmoothed) to the signal, which is then subtracted from...