1 #ifndef TRestParticleSourceCry_Class
2 #define TRestParticleSourceCry_Class
9 #include <CRYGenerator.h>
13 #include <TRestGeant4ParticleSource.h>
67 CRYGenerator* fCRYGenerator =
73 inline Int_t GetNumberOfParticles()
const {
return fParticles.size(); }
Int_t fReturnPions
It defines if secondary electrons will be produced by the generator.
std::string fDate
It will adjust the cosmic-ray distributions to the 11-year solar cycle.
Double_t fZOffset
This is likely the Z-coordinate where the box of generated particles is centered.
void PrintMetadata() override
It will print on screen the settings used for the CRY generator setup.
Int_t fReturnKaons
It defines if secondary pions will be produced by the generator.
Int_t fReturnNeutrons
It defines if secondary neutrons will be produced by the generator.
Double_t fXOffset
This is likely the X-coordinate where the box of generated particles is centered.
TRandom3 * fRandom
Internal process random generator.
void Update() override
It is used by restG4 PrimaryGeneratorAction to update the particle source.
void InitFromConfigFile() override
Initialization of TRestGeant4ParticleSourceCry members through a RML file.
Double_t fLatitude
The allowed range is -90 to 90. 0 defines the magnetic equator.
Double_t fYOffset
This is likely the Y-coordinate where the box of generated particles is centered.
Int_t fNParticlesMax
Showers with number of particles above this number will be truncated.
Double_t fSubBoxLength
The size of the box where the CRY generator produces particles (in m).
Int_t fReturnMuons
It defines if secondary muons will be produced by the generator.
Int_t fReturnProtons
It defines if secondary protons will be produced by the generator.
Int_t fNParticlesMin
Showers with number of particles below this number will be truncated.
Int_t fReturnElectrons
It defines if secondary gammas will be produced by the generator.
Int_t fReturnGammas
It defines if secondary photons will be produced by the generator.
Double_t fAltitude
Allowed values are 0, 2100 and 11300 m.
Int_t fSeed
Seed used in random generator.