23 #ifndef RestCore_TRestDetectorSignalChannelActivityProcess
24 #define RestCore_TRestDetectorSignalChannelActivityProcess
27 #include <TRestEventProcess.h>
29 #include "TRestDetectorReadout.h"
30 #include "TRestDetectorSignalEvent.h"
110 void LoadConfig(
const std::string& configFilename,
const std::string& name =
A metadata class to generate/store a readout description.
A pure analysis process to generate histograms with detector channels activity.
void LoadDefaultConfig()
Function to load the default config in absence of RML input.
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto_TwoSignals
The readout channels histogram built with 2-signal events (low threshold)
TRestDetectorReadout * fReadout
A pointer to the readout metadata information accessible to TRestRun.
RESTValue GetOutputEvent() const override
Get pointer to output event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
Default destructor.
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto
The readout channels histogram.
TRestDetectorSignalEvent * fSignalEvent
A pointer to the specific TRestDetectorSignalEvent input.
Int_t fReadoutHistogramChannels
The number of bins at the readout channels histogram.
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto_MultiSignals
The readout channels histogram built more than 3-signal events (low threshold)
TRestEvent * ProcessEvent(TRestEvent *inputEvent) override
The main processing event function.
void PrintMetadata() override
It prints out the process parameters stored in the metadata structure.
void LoadConfig(const std::string &configFilename, const std::string &name="")
Function to load the configuration from an external configuration file.
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto_TwoSignals_High
The readout channels histogram built with 2-signal events (high threshold)
const char * GetProcessName() const override
Returns the name of this process.
Int_t fReadoutEndChannel
The last channel at the readout channels histogram.
void Initialize() override
Function to initialize input/output event members and define the section name.
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto_MultiSignals_High
The readout channels histogram built more than 3-signal events (high threshold)
void InitFromConfigFile() override
Function to read input parameters from the RML TRestDetectorSignalChannelActivityProcess metadata sec...
Int_t fDaqHistogramChannels
The number of bins at the daq channels histogram.
Int_t fReadoutStartChannel
The first channel at the readout channels histogram.
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto_OneSignal_High
The readout channels histogram built with 1-signal events (high threshold)
void EndProcess() override
Function to include required actions after all events have been processed. In this process it will ta...
Int_t fDaqStartChannel
The first channel at the daq channels histogram.
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto_OneSignal
The readout channels histogram built with 1-signal events (low threshold)
Default constructor.
Double_t fHighThreshold
The value of the higher signal threshold to add it to the histogram.
RESTValue GetInputEvent() const override
Get pointer to input event. Must be implemented in the derived class.
TH1D * fDaqChannelsHisto
The daq channels histogram.
Double_t fLowThreshold
The value of the lower signal threshold to add it to the histogram.
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto_ThreeSignals_High
The readout channels histogram built with 3-signal events (high threshold)
void InitProcess() override
Process initialization. The ROOT TH1 histograms are created here using the limits defined in the proc...
TH1D * fReadoutChannelsHisto_ThreeSignals
The readout channels histogram built with 3-signal events (low threshold)
Int_t fDaqEndChannel
The last channel at the daq channels histogram.
A base class for any REST event process.
void BeginPrintProcess()
[name, cut range]
A base class for any REST event.