REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
34 #include "TRestDetectorReadoutPlane.h"
36 using namespace std;
53  Int_t nChannels = 0;
54  for (size_t md = 0; md < GetNumberOfModules(); md++) {
55  nChannels += fReadoutModules[md].GetNumberOfChannels();
56  }
57  return nChannels;
58 }
64 void TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::SetNormal(const TVector3& normal) {
65  fNormal = normal.Unit();
66  // prevent user from declaring the zero vector as normal
67  if (TMath::Abs(fNormal.Mag2() - 1.0) > 1E-6) {
68  // only the zero vector will have a magnitude different from 1.0 after normalization
69  RESTError << "TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::SetNormal : normal vector cannot be zero." << RESTendl;
70  exit(1);
71  }
72  UpdateAxes();
73 }
78 void TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::SetHeight(Double_t height) {
79  if (height < 0) {
80  fHeight = 0;
81  RESTError << "TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::SetHeight : height cannot be negative." << RESTendl;
82  exit(1);
83  } else {
84  fHeight = height;
85  }
86 }
92  for (size_t md = 0; md < GetNumberOfModules(); md++) {
93  if (fReadoutModules[md].GetModuleID() == modID) {
94  return &fReadoutModules[md];
95  }
96  }
98  cout << "REST ERROR (GetReadoutModuleByID) : Module ID : " << modID << " was not found" << endl;
99  return nullptr;
100 }
113 Double_t TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::GetX(Int_t modID, Int_t chID) {
114  TRestDetectorReadoutModule* rModule = GetModuleByID(modID);
116  TRestDetectorReadoutChannel* rChannel = rModule->GetChannel(chID);
118  Double_t x = numeric_limits<Double_t>::quiet_NaN();
120  if (rChannel->GetNumberOfPixels() == 1) {
121  Double_t sX = rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetSize().X();
122  Double_t sY = rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetSize().Y();
124  if (sX > 2 * sY) return x;
126  x = rModule->GetPixelCenter(chID, 0).X();
128  return x;
129  }
131  if (rChannel->GetNumberOfPixels() > 1) {
132  Int_t nPix = rChannel->GetNumberOfPixels();
134  // We check the origin of consecutive pixels to check if it goes X or Y
135  // direction. Perhaps more complex readouts need some changes here
136  Double_t x1 = rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetCenter().X();
137  Double_t x2 = rChannel->GetPixel(nPix - 1)->GetCenter().X();
139  Double_t y1 = rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetCenter().Y();
140  Double_t y2 = rChannel->GetPixel(nPix - 1)->GetCenter().Y();
142  /*
143  cout << "Pixel 0. X : " << x1 << " Y : " << y1 endl;
144  cout << "Pixel N. X : " << x2 << " Y : " << y2 endl;
145  */
147  Double_t deltaX = abs(x2 - x1);
148  Double_t deltaY = abs(y2 - y1);
150  Int_t rotation = (Int_t)(std::round(rModule->GetRotation() * units("degrees")));
151  if (rotation % 90 == 0) {
152  if (rotation / 90 % 2 == 0) // rotation is 0, 180, 360...
153  {
154  if (deltaY > deltaX) x = rModule->GetPixelCenter(chID, 0).X();
155  } else // rotation is 90, 270... We need to invert x and y
156  {
157  if (deltaY < deltaX) x = rModule->GetPixelCenter(chID, 0).X();
158  }
159  } else {
160  // we choose to output x only when deltaY > deltaX under non-90 deg rotation
161  // otherwise it is a y channel and should return nan
162  if (deltaY > deltaX) x = rModule->GetPixelCenter(chID, 0).X();
163  }
164  }
166  return x;
167 }
180 Double_t TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::GetY(Int_t modID, Int_t chID) {
181  TRestDetectorReadoutModule* rModule = GetModuleByID(modID);
183  TRestDetectorReadoutChannel* rChannel = rModule->GetChannel(chID);
185  Double_t y = numeric_limits<Double_t>::quiet_NaN();
187  if (rChannel->GetNumberOfPixels() == 1) {
188  Double_t sX = rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetSize().X();
189  Double_t sY = rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetSize().Y();
191  if (sY > 2 * sX) return y;
193  y = rModule->GetPixelCenter(chID, 0).Y();
195  return y;
196  }
198  if (rChannel->GetNumberOfPixels() > 1) {
199  Int_t nPix = rChannel->GetNumberOfPixels();
201  // We check the origin of consecutive pixels to check if it goes X or Y
202  // direction. Perhaps more complex readouts need some changes here
203  Double_t x1 = rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetCenter().X();
204  Double_t x2 = rChannel->GetPixel(nPix - 1)->GetCenter().X();
206  Double_t y1 = rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetCenter().Y();
207  Double_t y2 = rChannel->GetPixel(nPix - 1)->GetCenter().Y();
209  /*
210  cout << "Pix id : " << rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetID() << " X1 : " << x1
211  << endl; cout << "Pix id : " << rChannel->GetPixel(1)->GetID() << " X2 :
212  " << x2 << endl; cout << "Pix id : " << rChannel->GetPixel(0)->GetID() <<
213  " Y1 : " << y1 << endl; cout << "Pix id : " <<
214  rChannel->GetPixel(1)->GetID() << " Y2 : " << y2 << endl;
215  */
217  Double_t deltaX = abs(x2 - x1);
218  Double_t deltaY = abs(y2 - y1);
220  Int_t rotation = (Int_t)std::round(rModule->GetRotation() * units("degrees"));
221  if (rotation % 90 == 0) {
222  if (rotation / 90 % 2 == 0) // rotation is 0, 180, 360...
223  {
224  if (deltaY < deltaX) y = rModule->GetPixelCenter(chID, 0).Y();
225  } else // rotation is 90, 270... We need to invert x and y
226  {
227  if (deltaY > deltaX) y = rModule->GetPixelCenter(chID, 0).Y();
228  }
229  } else {
230  // we choose to output y only when deltaY < deltaX under non-90 deg rotation
231  // otherwise it is a x channel and should return nan
232  if (deltaY < deltaX) y = rModule->GetPixelCenter(chID, 0).Y();
233  }
234  }
236  return y;
237 }
246 Int_t TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::FindChannel(Int_t module, const TVector2& position) {
247  const auto relativePosition = position - TVector2{fPosition.X(), fPosition.Y()};
249  // TODO : check first if (modX,modY) is inside the module.
250  // If not return error.
251  // FindChannel will take a long time to search for the channel if it is not
252  // there. It will be faster
254  return fReadoutModules[module].FindChannel(relativePosition);
255 }
261 Double_t TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::GetDistanceTo(const TVector3& position) const {
262  const TVector3 diff = position - fPosition;
263  return diff.Dot(fNormal);
264 }
274  TVector3 pos = TVector3(0, 0, z);
276  return isZInsideDriftVolume(pos);
277 }
287  for (size_t m = 0; m < GetNumberOfModules(); m++)
288  if (fReadoutModules[m].IsDaqIDInside(daqId)) return true;
290  return false;
291 }
302 Int_t TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::isZInsideDriftVolume(const TVector3& position) {
303  TVector3 posNew = TVector3(position.X() - fPosition.X(), position.Y() - fPosition.Y(), position.Z());
305  Double_t distance = GetDistanceTo(posNew);
307  if (distance > 0 && distance < fHeight) {
308  return 1;
309  }
311  return 0;
312 }
325 Int_t TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::GetModuleIDFromPosition(const TVector3& position) const {
326  Double_t distance = GetDistanceTo(position);
327  if (distance >= 0 && distance <= fHeight) {
328  const TVector2 positionInPlane = GetPositionInPlane(position);
329  for (size_t m = 0; m < GetNumberOfModules(); m++) {
330  auto& module = fReadoutModules[m];
331  if (module.IsInside(positionInPlane)) {
332  return module.GetModuleID();
333  }
334  }
335  }
337  return -1;
338 }
344 void TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::Print(Int_t DetailLevel) {
345  if (DetailLevel >= 0) {
346  RESTMetadata << "-- Readout plane : " << GetID() << RESTendl;
347  RESTMetadata << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << RESTendl;
348  RESTMetadata << "-- Position : X = " << fPosition.X() << " mm, "
349  << " Y : " << fPosition.Y() << " mm, Z : " << fPosition.Z() << " mm" << RESTendl;
350  RESTMetadata << "-- Normal vector : X = " << fNormal.X() << " mm, "
351  << " Y : " << fNormal.Y() << " mm, Z : " << fNormal.Z() << " mm" << RESTendl;
352  RESTMetadata << "-- X-axis vector : X = " << fAxisX.X() << " mm, "
353  << " Y : " << fAxisX.Y() << " mm, Z : " << fAxisX.Z() << " mm" << RESTendl;
354  RESTMetadata << "-- Y-axis vector : Y = " << fAxisY.X() << " mm, Y : " << fAxisY.Y()
355  << " mm, Z : " << fAxisY.Z() << " mm" << RESTendl;
356  RESTMetadata << "-- Cathode Position : X = " << GetCathodePosition().X() << " mm, "
357  << " Y : " << GetCathodePosition().Y() << " mm, Z : " << GetCathodePosition().Z()
358  << " mm" << RESTendl;
359  RESTMetadata << "-- Height : " << fHeight << " mm" << RESTendl;
360  RESTMetadata << "-- Charge collection : " << fChargeCollection << RESTendl;
361  RESTMetadata << "-- Total modules : " << GetNumberOfModules() << RESTendl;
362  RESTMetadata << "-- Total channels : " << GetNumberOfChannels() << RESTendl;
363  RESTMetadata << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << RESTendl;
365  for (size_t i = 0; i < GetNumberOfModules(); i++) {
366  fReadoutModules[i].Print(DetailLevel - 1);
367  }
368  }
369 }
374 void TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::Draw() { this->GetReadoutHistogram()->Draw(); }
381  Double_t x[4];
382  Double_t y[4];
384  double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
386  GetBoundaries(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
388  TH2Poly* readoutHistogram = new TH2Poly("ReadoutHistogram", "ReadoutHistogram", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
390  for (size_t mdID = 0; mdID < this->GetNumberOfModules(); mdID++) {
391  TRestDetectorReadoutModule* module = &fReadoutModules[mdID];
393  int nChannels = module->GetNumberOfChannels();
395  for (int ch = 0; ch < nChannels; ch++) {
396  TRestDetectorReadoutChannel* channel = module->GetChannel(ch);
397  Int_t nPixels = channel->GetNumberOfPixels();
399  for (int px = 0; px < nPixels; px++) {
400  for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++) {
401  x[v] = module->GetPixelVertex(ch, px, v).X();
402  y[v] = module->GetPixelVertex(ch, px, v).Y();
403  }
405  readoutHistogram->AddBin(4, x, y);
406  }
407  }
408  }
410  readoutHistogram->SetStats(false);
412  return readoutHistogram;
413 }
418 void TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::GetBoundaries(double& xmin, double& xmax, double& ymin, double& ymax) {
419  Double_t x[4];
420  Double_t y[4];
422  xmin = 1E9, xmax = -1E9, ymin = 1E9, ymax = -1E9;
424  for (size_t mdID = 0; mdID < this->GetNumberOfModules(); mdID++) {
425  TRestDetectorReadoutModule* module = &fReadoutModules[mdID];
427  for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++) {
428  x[v] = module->GetVertex(v).X();
429  y[v] = module->GetVertex(v).Y();
431  if (x[v] < xmin) xmin = x[v];
432  if (y[v] < ymin) ymin = y[v];
433  if (x[v] > xmax) xmax = x[v];
434  if (y[v] > ymax) ymax = y[v];
435  }
436  }
437 }
439 void TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::UpdateAxes() { // idempotent
440  const TVector3 zUnit = {0, 0, 1};
441  fAxisX = {1, 0, 0};
442  fAxisY = {0, 1, 0};
444  constexpr double tolerance = 1E-6;
446  // Check if fNormal is different from (0,0,1)
447  if ((fNormal - zUnit).Mag2() < tolerance) {
448  // do nothing
449  } else if ((fNormal + zUnit).Mag2() < tolerance) {
450  // normal vector is opposite to (0,0,1), we must also flip the axes
451  fAxisX = {0, -1, 0};
452  fAxisY = {-1, 0, 0};
453  } else {
454  // Calculate the rotation axis by taking the cross product between the original normal and fNormal
455  TVector3 rotationAxis = zUnit.Cross(fNormal);
457  // Calculate the rotation angle using the dot product between the original normal and fNormal
458  double rotationAngle = acos(zUnit.Dot(fNormal) / (zUnit.Mag() * fNormal.Mag()));
460  // Rotate the axes around the rotation axis by the rotation angle
461  fAxisX.Rotate(rotationAngle, rotationAxis);
462  fAxisY.Rotate(rotationAngle, rotationAxis);
463  }
465  // rotate around normal by rotation angle (angle in radians)
466  fAxisX.Rotate(fRotation, fNormal);
467  fAxisY.Rotate(fRotation, fNormal);
469  // verify that fNormal, fAxisX and fAxisY are orthogonal and unitary
470  if (TMath::Abs(fNormal.Mag2() - 1.0) > tolerance || TMath::Abs(fAxisX.Mag2() - 1.0) > tolerance ||
471  TMath::Abs(fAxisY.Mag2() - 1.0) > tolerance) {
472  RESTError << "TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::UpdateAxes() : "
473  << "The normal vector, the X-axis vector and the Y-axis vector must be unitary."
474  << RESTendl;
475  exit(1);
476  }
477  if (TMath::Abs(fNormal.Dot(fAxisX)) > tolerance || TMath::Abs(fNormal.Dot(fAxisY)) > tolerance ||
478  TMath::Abs(fAxisX.Dot(fAxisY)) > tolerance) {
479  RESTError << "TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::UpdateAxes() : "
480  << "The normal vector, the X-axis vector and the Y-axis vector must be orthogonal."
481  << RESTendl;
482  exit(1);
483  }
484  // verify that the correct order of axes is being used: X cross Y = normal (and not - normal)
485  if ((fAxisX.Cross(fAxisY) - fNormal).Mag2() > tolerance) {
486  RESTError
487  << "TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::UpdateAxes() : "
488  << "The normal vector is not the cross product between the X-axis vector and the Y-axis vector."
489  << RESTendl;
490  exit(1);
491  }
492 }
494 void TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::SetRotation(Double_t radians) {
495  // sets fRotation modulo 2pi
496  fRotation = TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(radians);
497  UpdateAxes();
498 }
500 TVector2 TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::GetPositionInPlane(const TVector3& point) const {
501  // Given a point in space, returns the position of the point in the plane using the plane's axes
502  // The position is returned in the plane's local coordinates (in mm)
503  return {fAxisX.Dot(point - fPosition),
504  fAxisY.Dot(point - fPosition)}; // dot product between vectors is the projection
505 }
507 TVector3 TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::GetPositionInWorld(const TVector2& point, Double_t height) const {
508  return fPosition + point.X() * fAxisX + point.Y() * fAxisY + height * fNormal;
509 }
511 Double_t TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::GetDistanceToPlane(const TVector3& point) const {
512  return (point - fPosition).Dot(fNormal);
513 }
515 void TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::SetAxisX(const TVector3& axis) {
516  const TVector3 axisInPlane = (axis - axis.Dot(fNormal) * fNormal).Unit();
517  if (axisInPlane.Mag2() < 1E-6) {
518  RESTError << "TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::SetAxisX() : "
519  << "The X-axis vector must not be parallel to the normal vector." << RESTendl;
520  exit(1);
521  }
523  // compute the angle between the new axis and the old axis
524  const Double_t angle = fAxisX.Angle(axisInPlane);
526  SetRotation(fRotation - angle);
527 }
529 bool TRestDetectorReadoutPlane::IsInside(const TVector3& point) const {
530  const double distance = GetDistanceToPlane(point);
531  if (distance < 0 || distance > fHeight) {
532  // point is outside the volume defined by the plane
533  return false;
534  }
535  const TVector2 pointInPlane = GetPositionInPlane(point);
536  for (size_t moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < GetNumberOfModules(); moduleIndex++) {
537  if (fReadoutModules[moduleIndex].IsInside(pointInPlane)) {
538  return true;
539  }
540  }
541  return false;
542 }
545  cout << "Adding module" << endl;
546  fReadoutModules.emplace_back(module);
547  // if the module has no name or no type, add the one from the plane
549  auto& lastModule = fReadoutModules.back();
550  if (lastModule.GetName().empty()) {
551  lastModule.SetName(fName);
552  }
553  if (lastModule.GetType().empty()) {
554  lastModule.SetType(fType);
555  }
557  for (size_t channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < lastModule.GetNumberOfChannels(); channelIndex++) {
558  TRestDetectorReadoutChannel* channel = lastModule.GetChannel(channelIndex);
559  if (channel->GetName().empty()) {
560  channel->SetName(lastModule.GetName());
561  }
562  if (channel->GetType().empty()) {
563  channel->SetType(lastModule.GetType());
564  }
565  }
566 }
std::string GetType() const
Returns the channel type.
void SetName(const std::string &name)
Sets the channel name.
TRestDetectorReadoutPixel * GetPixel(int n)
Returns a pointer to the pixel n by index.
Int_t GetNumberOfPixels()
Returns the total number of pixels inside the readout channel.
void SetType(const std::string &type)
Sets the channel type.
std::string GetName() const
Returns the channel name.
TVector2 GetPixelCenter(Int_t channel, Int_t pixel)
Returns the center pixel position for a given channel and pixel indexes.
Double_t GetRotation() const
Returns the module rotation in degrees.
TVector2 GetPixelVertex(Int_t channel, Int_t pixel, Int_t vertex)
Returns any of the pixel vertex position for a given channel and pixel indexes.
TVector2 GetVertex(int n) const
Returns the coordinates of the specified vertex index n. The physical coordinates relative to the rea...
TRestDetectorReadoutChannel * GetChannel(size_t n)
Returns a pointer to a readout channel by index.
size_t GetNumberOfChannels() const
Returns the total number of channels defined inside the module.
TVector2 GetCenter() const
Returns the center TVector2 position of the pixel.
TVector2 GetSize()
Returns a TVector2 with the pixel size.
Bool_t isDaqIDInside(Int_t daqId)
This method determines if the daqId given is associated to any of the readout readout channels in any...
Int_t GetNumberOfChannels()
Returns the total number of channels in the readout plane.
Int_t isZInsideDriftVolume(Double_t z)
This method determines if a given position in z is inside the drift volume drifting distance for this...
TRestDetectorReadoutModule * GetModuleByID(Int_t modID)
Returns a pointer to a module using its internal module id.
void SetNormal(const TVector3 &normal)
It updates the value of the normal vector and recalculates the corresponding X and Y axis.
TH2Poly * GetReadoutHistogram()
Creates and returns a TH2Poly object with the readout pixel description.
Int_t GetModuleIDFromPosition(const TVector3 &position) const
This method returns the module id where pos is found. The z-coordinate must be found in between the c...
void Print(Int_t DetailLevel=0)
Prints information with details of the readout plane and modules defined inside the readout plane.
Default TRestDetectorReadoutPlane constructor.
bool IsInside(const TVector3 &point) const
Check if the point is inside any module of the readout plane.
void Draw()
Draws the readout plane using GetReadoutHistogram.
Double_t GetX(Int_t modID, Int_t chID)
Returns the X coordinate of a given channel in a given module using their internal module and channel...
Double_t GetDistanceTo(const TVector3 &pos) const
Returns the perpendicular distance to the readout plane from a given position pos.
Int_t FindChannel(Int_t module, const TVector2 &position)
Finds the readout channel index for a given module stored in a given module index stored in the reado...
void GetBoundaries(double &xmin, double &xmax, double &ymin, double &ymax)
Finds the xy boundaries of the readout plane delimited by the modules.
Double_t GetY(Int_t modID, Int_t chID)
Returns the Y coordinate of a given channel in a given module using their internal module and channel...
virtual ~TRestDetectorReadoutPlane()
Default TRestDetectorReadoutPlane destructor.
void SetHeight(Double_t d)
Used to define the height of the readout volume with sign crosscheck.
void AddModule(const TRestDetectorReadoutModule &module)
Adds a new module to the readout plane.