23 #ifndef RestCore_TRestDetectorReadoutMapping
24 #define RestCore_TRestDetectorReadoutMapping
73 Double_t
GetX(Int_t nodeX);
75 Double_t
GetY(Int_t nodeY);
79 Int_t
GetPixel(Double_t x, Double_t y);
81 void SetNode(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t ch, Int_t pix);
83 void Initialize(Int_t nX, Int_t nY, Double_t sX, Double_t sY);
Int_t GetChannel(Double_t x, Double_t y)
Gets the channel number corresponding to coordinates (x,y)
void Initialize(Int_t nX, Int_t nY, Double_t sX, Double_t sY)
Resets the matrix values and allocates memory for the given net size.
Int_t GetNodeX(Double_t x)
Gets the nodeX index corresponding to the x coordinate.
Int_t fNodesY
The number of nodes in the y-axis.
Int_t GetPixel(Double_t x, Double_t y)
Gets the pixel number corresponding to coordinates (x,y)
Int_t GetNodeX_ForChannelAndPixel(Int_t ch, Int_t px)
Finds the node index in X for a given channel and pixel ids.
Double_t GetX(Int_t nodeX)
Gets the X position of node (i,j)
void SetNode(Int_t i, Int_t j, Int_t ch, Int_t pix)
Sets the readout channel and pixel corresponding to a mapping node.
Bool_t AllNodesSet()
Checks if all the nodes in the net have been defined.
Int_t GetNumberOfNodesNotSet()
Returns the number of nodes that have not been initialized.
Bool_t isNodeSet(Int_t i, Int_t j)
Checks if the node (i,j) is defined.
Double_t fNetSizeX
The size of the net/grid in the x-axis.
Int_t GetNodeY(Double_t y)
Gets the nodeY index corresponding to the y coordinate.
Int_t GetPixelByNode(Int_t i, Int_t j)
Gets the pixel id corresponding to a given node (i,j)
Int_t fNodesX
The number of nodes in the x-axis.
Double_t GetY(Int_t nodeY)
Gets the Y position of node (i,j)
Int_t GetNumberOfNodesX() const
Returns the number of nodes in X.
Int_t GetNodeY_ForChannelAndPixel(Int_t ch, Int_t px)
Finds the node index in Y for a given channel and pixel ids.
TRestDetectorReadoutMapping constructor.
TRestDetectorReadoutMapping destructor.
Int_t GetChannelByNode(Int_t i, Int_t j)
Gets the channel id corresponding to a given node (i,j)
Int_t GetNumberOfNodesY() const
Returns the number of nodes in Y.
Double_t fNetSizeY
The size of the net/grid in the y-axis.