REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
17 #include "TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess.h"
19 #include <TGeoBBox.h>
20 #include <TRandom3.h>
24 #if defined USE_Garfield
25 using namespace Garfield;
26 #include <ComponentConstant.hh>
28 #include "TGDMLParse.h"
29 #endif
31 #include <stdio.h>
33 using namespace std;
35 const double cmTomm = 10.;
37 #if defined USE_Garfield
39 TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess::TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess() : fRandom(0), fGfSensor(0) {
40  Initialize();
41 }
43 // __________________________________________________________
44 // TODO : Perhaps this constructor should be removed
45 // since we will always load the config from TRestRun
46 // when we use AddProcess. It would be necessary only if we use the
47 // process stand alone but even then we could just call LoadConfig
48 // __________________________________________________________
50 TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess::TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess(const char* configFilename)
51  : fRandom(0), fGfSensor(0) {
52  Initialize();
54  if (LoadConfigFromFile(configFilename) == -1) LoadDefaultConfig();
56  PrintMetadata();
58  if (fReadout == nullptr) fReadout = new TRestDetectorReadout(configFilename);
59 }
61 // TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess destructor
62 TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess::~TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess() {
63  delete fReadout;
64  delete fGeometry;
65  delete fOutputHitsEvent;
66 }
68 void TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess::LoadDefaultConfig() {
69  SetName("garfieldDriftProcess-Default");
70  SetTitle("Default config");
72  cout << "TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess metadata not found. Loading default values" << endl;
74  fDriftPotential = 1000;
75  fGasPressure = 10;
76 }
78 void TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess::LoadConfig(const string& configFilename, const string& name) {
79  if (LoadConfigFromFile(configFilename, name)) LoadDefaultConfig();
81  if (fDriftPotential == PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND_DBL) {
82  fDriftPotential = 1000; // V
83  }
84 }
86 #endif
89  SetSectionName(ClassName());
90  SetLibraryVersion(LIBRARY_VERSION);
92  fRandom = new TRandom3(0);
93  fInputHitsEvent = nullptr;
94  fOutputHitsEvent = new TRestDetectorHitsEvent();
96 #if defined USE_Garfield
97  fReadout = nullptr;
98  fGas = nullptr;
99  fGeometry = nullptr;
100  fPEReduction = 1.;
101  fStopDistance = 2; // default distance from readout to stop drift set to 2mm
102 #endif
103 }
105 #if defined USE_Garfield
107  // Function to be executed once at the beginning of process
108  // (before starting the process of the events)
110  // Start by calling the InitProcess function of the abstract class.
111  // Comment this if you don't want it.
112  // TRestEventProcess::InitProcess();
114  // Getting gas data
115  fGas = GetMetadata<TRestDetectorGas>();
116  if (fGas != nullptr) {
117  if (fGasPressure <= 0)
118  fGasPressure = fGas->GetPressure();
119  else
120  fGas->SetPressure(fGasPressure);
122  } else {
123  cout << "REST_WARNING. No TRestDetectorGas found in TRestRun." << endl;
124  }
126  // Getting readout data
127  fReadout = GetMetadata<TRestDetectorReadout>();
128  if (fReadout == nullptr) {
129  cout << "REST ERROR: Readout has not been initialized" << endl;
130  exit(-1);
131  }
133  // Getting geometry data
134  if (fGDML_Filename == "") {
135  cout << "REST ERROR no geometry GDML file name parameter (gdml_file) given "
136  "in TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess "
137  << endl;
138  exit(-1);
139  }
141  TGeoVolume* geovol = nullptr;
142  fGeometry = new TRestDetectorGeometry();
143  fGeometry->InitGfGeometry();
145  geovol = TGDMLParse::StartGDML(fGDML_Filename);
146  if (!geovol) {
147  cout << "REST ERROR when TRestDetectorGeometry read GDML file " << fGDML_Filename << endl;
148  exit(-1);
149  }
151  fGeometry->SetTopVolume(geovol);
152  fGeometry->CloseGeometry();
153  fGeometry->DefaultColors();
154  // fGeometry->UpdateElements();
156  cout << "TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess GetVerboseLevel : "
157  << static_cast<int>(this->GetVerboseLevel()) << endl;
159  // analyze GDML geometry to find major elements (gas volume, electrodes,
160  // readout)
161  TObjArray* thenodes = geovol->GetNodes();
162  for (TIter it = thenodes->begin(); it != thenodes->end(); ++it) {
163  TGeoNode* itnode = (TGeoNode*)(*it);
165  cout << "****** itnode " << itnode->GetName() << endl;
166  itnode->PrintCandidates();
167  }
168  cout << "****** itnode " << itnode->GetName() << endl;
169  itnode->PrintCandidates();
171  TGeoVolume* itvol = itnode->GetVolume();
173  cout << " * * itvolume " << itvol->GetName() << endl;
174  itvol->Print();
175  }
176  cout << " * * itvolume " << itvol->GetName() << endl;
177  itvol->Print();
179  TGeoMedium* itmed = itvol->GetMedium();
181  cout << " * * itmed " << itmed->GetName() << endl;
183  // gas volume
184  if (fGas->GetGDMLMaterialRef() == itmed->GetName()) {
185  fGeometry->SetGfGeoMedium(itmed->GetName(), fGas);
187  cout << " -> gas volume SetMedium itmed " << itmed->GetName() << " fGas "
188  << fGas->GetGasMedium()->GetName() << endl;
189  fGas->GetGasMedium()->PrintGas();
190  }
191  cout << " -> gas volume SetMedium itmed " << itmed->GetName() << " fGas "
192  << fGas->GetGasMedium()->GetName() << endl;
193  fGas->GetGasMedium()->PrintGas();
194  }
196  // drift electrode (it should be called a cathode, not anode, no ?)
197  if ((strncmp(itvol->GetName(), "anodeVol", 8) == 0) ||
198  (strncmp(itvol->GetName(), "cathodeVol", 10) == 0)) {
199  fGeometry->SetDriftElecNode(itnode);
201  cout << " -> cathode volume " << endl;
202  cout << " -> cathode volume " << endl;
203  }
205  // micromegas readout electrode
206  if ((strncmp(itvol->GetName(), "micromegasVol", 13) == 0)) {
207  fGeometry->AddReadoutElecNode(itnode);
209  cout << " -> readout volume " << endl;
210  cout << " -> readout volume " << endl;
211  }
212  }
214  // For the moment we set only constant electric field in Garfield
215  double matrixZpos = 0, planeZpos = 0, planeZvec = 0;
216  cout << "fGeometry " << fGeometry << " nb node " << fGeometry->GetNReadoutElecNodes() << endl;
217  for (int ii = 0; ii < fGeometry->GetNReadoutElecNodes(); ii++) {
218  bool rdPlaneFound = false;
220  TGeoNode* readoutnode = fGeometry->GetReadoutElecNode(ii);
221  cout << "ii " << ii << " readoutnode " << readoutnode << " visible " << readoutnode->IsVisible()
222  << endl;
223  if (!readoutnode) continue;
224  cout << "readoutnode visible " << readoutnode->IsVisible() << endl;
225  readoutnode->ls();
226  readoutnode->PrintCandidates();
227  TGeoMatrix* readoutmatrix = readoutnode->GetMatrix();
228  if (!readoutmatrix) continue;
229  cout << "readoutmatrix " << endl;
230  readoutmatrix->Print();
231  matrixZpos = (readoutmatrix->IsTranslation() ? 10 * readoutmatrix->GetTranslation()[2]
232  : 0); // converted to mm
233  for (int jj = 0; jj < fReadout->GetNumberOfReadoutPlanes(); jj++) {
234  TRestDetectorReadoutPlane* readoutplane = fReadout->GetReadoutPlane(jj);
235  planeZpos = readoutplane->GetPosition().Z();
236  cout << " jj " << jj << " matrixZpos " << matrixZpos << " planeZpos " << planeZpos << endl;
237  if (fabs(planeZpos - matrixZpos) > 1)
238  continue; // we search for fReadout entry at same Z position
239  rdPlaneFound = true;
240  planeZvec = readoutplane->GetNormal().z();
241  cout << " planeZvec " << planeZvec << endl;
242  }
244  if (rdPlaneFound) {
245  double field = fDriftPotential /
246  (fGeometry->GetDriftElecNode()->GetMatrix()->GetTranslation()[2] - planeZpos);
247  ComponentConstant* cmp = new ComponentConstant();
248  // cmp->SetElectricField(0, 0, fElectricField); // assuming V/cm
249  cmp->SetElectricField(0, 0, field); // assuming V/cm
250  cmp->SetPotential(0, 0, planeZpos / 10., 0); // potential at readout level set to 0
251  cmp->SetWeightingField(0, 0, planeZvec, "m");
252  fGeometry->AddGfComponent(cmp);
253  cout << "add component field " << field << " planeZpos " << planeZpos << " planeZvec "
254  << planeZvec << " drift pos "
255  << fGeometry->GetDriftElecNode()->GetMatrix()->GetTranslation()[2] << endl;
256  }
257  }
259  // create Sensor corresponding to readout plane
260  // only the first component used, so 1 sensor only for the moment
261  if (fGeometry->GetNbOfGfComponent() > 0) {
262  fGfSensor = new Sensor();
263  fGfSensor->AddComponent(fGeometry->GetGfComponent(0));
264  fGfSensor->AddElectrode(fGeometry->GetGfComponent(0), "m");
265  fGfSensor->SetTimeWindow(0., 0.1, 500);
267  double xmin = -1e9, xmax = 1e9, ymin = -1e9, ymax = 1e9;
268  TGeoShape* readoutshape = fGeometry->GetReadoutElecNode(0)->GetVolume()->GetShape();
269  TGeoMatrix* readoutmatrix = fGeometry->GetReadoutElecNode(0)->GetMatrix();
270  double xmid = 10. * readoutmatrix->GetTranslation()[0],
271  ymid = 10. * readoutmatrix->GetTranslation()[1];
272  if (readoutshape->InheritsFrom("TGeoBBox")) {
273  // keep drifting electrons 10cm around the readout volume in x and y
274  TGeoBBox* readoutbox = (TGeoBBox*)readoutshape;
275  xmin = xmid - 10. * readoutbox->GetDX() - 100;
276  xmax = xmid + 10. * readoutbox->GetDX() + 100;
277  ymin = ymid - 10. * readoutbox->GetDY() - 100;
278  ymax = ymid + 10. * readoutbox->GetDY() + 100;
279  }
280  double driftelecZpos = fGeometry->GetDriftElecNode()
281  ->GetMatrix()
282  ->GetTranslation()[2]; // hope that all these objects are really there...
283  // drift area defined from bouding box of readout shape
284  fGfSensor->SetArea(xmin / 10., ymin / 10., planeZpos / 10. + fStopDistance, xmax / 10., ymax / 10.,
285  driftelecZpos); // drift stops fStopDistance above the readout plane
286  fGeometry->AddGfSensor(fGfSensor);
287  printf(" GfSensor area x- %lf y- %lf z- %lf x+ %lf y+ %lf z+ %lf\n", xmin / 10., ymin / 10.,
288  planeZpos / 10. + 0.2, xmax / 10., ymax / 10., driftelecZpos);
290  fGfDriftMethod = new DRIFT_METHOD();
291  // fGfDriftMethod->EnableDebugging();
292  // fGfDriftMethod->EnableVerbose();
293  fGfDriftMethod->SetSensor(fGfSensor);
294  // fGfDriftMethod->SetTimeSteps(0.2);
295  fGfDriftMethod->SetCollisionSteps(100);
296  }
298  if (!fGfDriftMethod || !fGfSensor) {
299  cout << "REST ERROR Garfield not fully initialized in "
300  "TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess::InitProcess "
301  << endl;
302  cout << " fGfDriftMethod " << fGfDriftMethod << " fGfSensor " << fGfSensor << " GetNbOfGfComponent "
303  << fGeometry->GetNbOfGfComponent() << endl;
304  cout << " matrixZpos " << matrixZpos << " planeZpos " << planeZpos << " planeZvec " << planeZvec
305  << endl;
306  exit(-1);
307  }
309  // for (register double ix=-3000; ix<3000; ix+=10) {
310  // printf(" ix %lf medium %p is_inside %d", ix,
311  // fGeometry->GetGfGeometry()->GetMedium(ix/10.,5,0),
312  // fGeometry->GetGfGeometry()->IsInside(ix/10.,5,0));
313  // cout << " moduleId " <<
314  // fReadout->GetReadoutPlane(0)->isInsideDriftVolume( ix, 50, 0 );
315  // fGeometry->SetCurrentPoint(ix/10., 5,0);
316  // if (fGeometry->IsOutside()) cout << " is outside " << endl; else cout <<
317  // " is inside" << endl; TGeoNode* cnode =fGeometry ->GetCurrentNode();
318  // TGeoNode* cnode2= fGeometry->FindNode(ix/10., 5,0);
319  // std::string name(cnode->GetMedium()->GetMaterial()->GetName());
320  // register Medium* tmed = fGeometry->GetGfMedium(ix/10., 5,0);
321  // cout << " node " << cnode->GetName() << " material " << name;
322  // cout << " node2 " << cnode2->GetName() << " material " <<
323  // cnode2->GetMedium()->GetMaterial()->GetName(); if (tmed) cout << " medium
324  // " << tmed->GetName(); cout << endl;
325  // }
326 }
328 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
330 Int_t TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess::FindModule(Int_t readoutPlane, Double_t x, Double_t y) {
331  // TODO verify this
332  TRestDetectorReadoutPlane* plane = fReadout->GetReadoutPlane(readoutPlane);
333  for (size_t md = 0; md < plane->GetNumberOfModules(); md++) {
334  if ((*plane)[md].IsInside({x, y})) {
335  return md;
336  }
337  }
339  return -1;
340 }
342 #endif
345 #if defined USE_Garfield
346  fInputHitsEvent = (TRestDetectorHitsEvent*)inputEvent;
348  double x, y, z, energy;
349  double xi, yi, zi, ti, xf, yf, zf, tf, energyf;
350  int status;
353  cout << "Number of hits : " << fInputHitsEvent->GetNumberOfHits() << endl;
354  cout << "--------------------------" << endl;
355  fInputHitsEvent->PrintEvent(20);
356  }
358  for (unsigned int hit = 0; hit < fInputHitsEvent->GetNumberOfHits(); hit++) {
359  x = fInputHitsEvent->GetX(hit);
360  y = fInputHitsEvent->GetY(hit);
361  z = fInputHitsEvent->GetZ(hit);
362  energy = fInputHitsEvent->GetEnergy(hit);
363  // if (hit%10==0) printf("hit: x %lf y %lf z %lf Energy %lf\n", x,
364  // y, z, energy); cout << "hit: x " << x << " y " << y <<
365  // " z " << z << " Energy " << energy << endl;
367  // assuming energy in keV, W factor in eV
368  Medium* tmed = fGeometry->GetGfMedium(x, y, z);
369  if (!tmed) {
370  cout << "no medium found at x " << x << " y " << y << " z " << z << endl;
371  continue;
372  // } else {
373  // cout << " medium " << tmed->GetName() << " W " <<
374  // tmed->GetW() << " at x " << x << " y " << y << " z " << z <<
375  // endl;
376  }
377  double Wfactor = tmed->GetW();
378  double nb_electrons_real = energy * 1000. / Wfactor / fPEReduction;
379  unsigned int nb_electrons =
380  fRandom->Poisson(nb_electrons_real); // we need an int number of electrons to drift...
381  // if (nb_electrons>0) printf("hit: x %lf y %lf z %lf Energy %lf\n",
382  // x, y, z, energy); if (nb_electrons>0) cout << " : energy " <<
383  // energy << " nb_electrons_real " << nb_electrons_real << "
384  // nb_electrons " << nb_electrons << endl;
386  // lets drift all those electrons
387  for (unsigned int iel = 0; iel < nb_electrons; iel++) {
388  // drift an electron
389  fGfDriftMethod->DriftElectron(x / 10., y / 10., z / 10., 0);
390  // fGfDriftMethod->GetEndPoint(xf, yf, zf, tf, status);
391  if (fGfDriftMethod->GetNumberOfElectronEndpoints() == 0) {
392  cout << " TRestDetectorGarfieldDriftProcess::ProcessEvent: no electron end "
393  "point ???"
394  << endl;
395  continue;
396  }
398  // create an hit for the drifted electron
399  fGfDriftMethod->GetElectronEndpoint(0, xi, yi, zi, ti, xf, yf, zf, tf,
400  status); // works with AvalancheMC
401  // xi *= 10; yi *= 10; zi *= 10; // cm to mm
402  xf *= cmTomm;
403  yf *= cmTomm;
404  zf *= cmTomm; // cm to mm
406  tf /= 1000.; // ns to us
407  energyf = fPEReduction * Wfactor / 1000.; // back to keV
408  fOutputHitsEvent->AddHit(xf, yf, zf, energyf, tf);
410  // if (nb_electrons>0) cout << " : Nendpoint " <<
411  // fGfDriftMethod->GetNumberOfElectronEndpoints() << " xi " <<
412  // xi << " yi " << yi << " zi " << zi << " ti " << ti
413  // << " xf " << xf << " yf " << yf << " zf " <<
414  // zf << " tf " << tf << " status " << status ;
415  }
416  }
418  if (fOutputHitsEvent->GetNumberOfHits() == 0) return nullptr;
420  // fSignalEvent->PrintEvent();
423  cout << "TRestDetectorElectronDiffusionProcess. Hits added : " << fOutputHitsEvent->GetNumberOfHits()
424  << endl;
425  cout << "TRestDetectorElectronDiffusionProcess. Hits total energy : "
426  << fOutputHitsEvent->GetTotalEnergy() << endl;
427  cout << " fTimedHitsEvent " << fOutputHitsEvent << " class " << fOutputHitsEvent->ClassName() << endl;
428  fOutputHitsEvent->PrintEvent(20);
429  }
431  return fOutputHitsEvent;
432 #else
433  fInputHitsEvent = (TRestDetectorHitsEvent*)inputEvent;
434  fOutputHitsEvent = fInputHitsEvent;
435  RESTDebug << "nullptr process" << RESTendl;
436  return inputEvent;
438 #endif
439 }
441 #if defined USE_Garfield
444  // Function to be executed once at the end of the process
445  // (after all events have been processed)
447  // Start by calling the EndProcess function of the abstract class.
448  // Comment this if you don't want it.
449  // TRestEventProcess::EndProcess();
450 }
453  fGasPressure = StringToDouble(GetParameter("gasPressure", "-1"));
454  // fElectricField = GetDblParameterWithUnits( "electricField" );
455  fDriftPotential = GetDblParameterWithUnits("driftPotential");
456  fPEReduction = StringToDouble(GetParameter("primaryElectronReduction", "1"));
457  fStopDistance = StringToDouble(GetParameter("stopDistance", "2"));
459  // TODO : Still units must be implemented for velocity quantities
461  fGDML_Filename = GetParameter("geometryPath", "") + GetParameter("gdml_file", "");
462 }
464 #endif
void Initialize() override
Making default settings.
TRestEvent * ProcessEvent(TRestEvent *inputEvent) override
Process one event.
virtual void PrintEvent() const
Double_t GetX(int n) const
Returns the X-coordinate of hit entry n in mm.
Double_t GetY(int n) const
Returns the Y-coordinate of hit entry n in mm.
Double_t GetZ(int n) const
Returns the Z-coordinate of hit entry n in mm.
void AddHit(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t en, Double_t t=0, REST_HitType type=XYZ)
Adds a new hit to this event.
TVector3 GetNormal() const
Returns a TVector3 with a vector normal to the readout plane.
TVector3 GetPosition() const
Returns a TVector3 with the readout plane position.
size_t GetNumberOfModules() const
Returns the total number of modules in the readout plane.
A metadata class to generate/store a readout description.
virtual void InitFromConfigFile() override
To make settings from rml file. This method must be implemented in the derived class.
virtual void EndProcess()
To be executed at the end of the run (outside event loop)
virtual void InitProcess()
To be executed at the beginning of the run (outside event loop)
A base class for any REST event.
Definition: TRestEvent.h:38
endl_t RESTendl
Termination flag object for TRestStringOutput.
Int_t LoadConfigFromFile(const std::string &configFilename, const std::string &sectionName="")
Give the file name, find out the corresponding section. Then call the main starter.
void SetLibraryVersion(TString version)
Set the library version of this metadata class.
TRestStringOutput::REST_Verbose_Level GetVerboseLevel()
returns the verboselevel in type of REST_Verbose_Level enumerator
void SetSectionName(std::string sName)
set the section name, clear the section content
std::string GetParameter(std::string parName, TiXmlElement *e, TString defaultValue=PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND_STR)
Returns the value for the parameter named parName in the given section.
@ REST_Info
+show most of the information for each steps
@ REST_Debug
+show the defined debug messages
Double_t StringToDouble(std::string in)
Gets a double from a string.