REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
2 #include "TRestDetectorGainMap.h"
4 #include "TGraph2D.h"
5 #include "TLegend.h"
6 #include "TRandom.h"
7 #include "TRestDetectorReadout.h"
8 #include "TStyle.h"
9 #include "TView.h"
11 using namespace std;
13 ClassImp(TRestDetectorGainMap);
16  // read config from rml section
17 }
19 void TRestDetectorGainMap::DrawChannelGainMap(TRestDetectorReadoutModule* mod) {
20  if (mod == nullptr) {
21  int min = 1e9;
22  int max = 0;
23  auto iter = fChannelGain.begin();
24  while (iter != fChannelGain.end()) {
25  if (max < iter->first) max = iter->first;
26  if (min > iter->first) min = iter->first;
27  iter++;
28  }
30  TH1D* h = new TH1D("GainMap", "GainMap", max - min + 2, min - 1, max + 1);
31  iter = fChannelGain.begin();
32  while (iter != fChannelGain.end()) {
33  h->SetBinContent(h->FindBin(iter->first), iter->second);
34  iter++;
35  }
36  h->Draw();
37  } else {
38  double xmin = 0, xmax = mod->GetSize().X(), ymin = 0, ymax = mod->GetSize().Y();
39  cout << xmin << " " << xmax << " " << ymin << " " << ymax << endl;
41  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
42  gStyle->SetPalette(kBlueYellow);
43  c1->SetTheta(90);
44  c1->SetPhi(0);
46  TGraph2D* gr = new TGraph2D();
47  // we throw randomly 1000 points to fill the graph
48  TRandom* r = new TRandom();
49  int N = mod->GetNumberOfChannels() * mod->GetNumberOfChannels() / 4;
50  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
51  double x = xmax * (r->Rndm());
52  double y = ymax * (r->Rndm());
53  gr->SetPoint(i, x, y, 1);
54  }
56  for (size_t i = 0; i < mod->GetNumberOfChannels(); i++) {
57  TRestDetectorReadoutChannel* channel = mod->GetChannel(i);
58  int id = channel->GetDaqID();
59  if (fChannelGain.count(id) == 0) fChannelGain[id] = 1;
61  auto pos = channel->GetPixel(channel->GetNumberOfPixels() / 2)->GetCenter();
62  gr->SetPoint(i + N, pos.X(), pos.Y(), fChannelGain[id]);
64  cout << pos.X() << " " << pos.Y() << " " << fChannelGain[id] << endl;
66  // pos = channel->GetPixel(channel->GetNumberOfPixels() - 1)->GetCenter();
67  // gr->SetPoint(2 * i + 1, pos.X(), pos.Y(), 1);
69  // cout << pos.X() << " " << pos.Y() << " " << 1 << endl;
70  }
72  gr->SetPoint(0, xmin, ymin, 1);
73  gr->SetPoint(1, xmin, ymax, 1);
74  gr->SetPoint(2, xmax, ymin, 1);
75  gr->SetPoint(3, xmax, ymax, 1);
77  gr->SetTitle(Form("Channel gain map for readout module%i", mod->GetModuleID()));
79  gr->SetNpx(mod->GetNumberOfChannels());
80  gr->SetNpy(mod->GetNumberOfChannels());
81  gr->Draw("colz");
82  }
83 }
void InitFromConfigFile() override
To make settings from rml file. This method must be implemented in the derived class.
Int_t GetDaqID() const
Returns the corresponding daq channel id.
TRestDetectorReadoutPixel * GetPixel(int n)
Returns a pointer to the pixel n by index.
Int_t GetNumberOfPixels()
Returns the total number of pixels inside the readout channel.
Int_t GetModuleID() const
Returns the module id.
TVector2 GetSize() const
Returns the module size (x, y) in mm.
TRestDetectorReadoutChannel * GetChannel(size_t n)
Returns a pointer to a readout channel by index.
size_t GetNumberOfChannels() const
Returns the total number of channels defined inside the module.