REST-for-Physics  v2.3
Rare Event Searches ToolKit for Physics
1 /*************************************************************************
2  * This file is part of the REST software framework. *
3  * *
4  * Copyright (C) 2016 GIFNA/TREX (University of Zaragoza) *
5  * For more information see *
6  * *
7  * REST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
9  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
10  * (at your option) any later version. *
11  * *
12  * REST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
15  * GNU General Public License for more details. *
16  * *
17  * You should have a copy of the GNU General Public License along with *
19  * If not, see *
20  * For the list of contributors see $REST_PATH/CREDITS. *
21  *************************************************************************/
41 #include "TRestComponent.h"
43 #include <TKey.h>
44 #include <TLatex.h>
46 #include <numeric>
48 ClassImp(TRestComponent);
69 TRestComponent::TRestComponent(const char* cfgFileName, const std::string& name)
70  : TRestMetadata(cfgFileName) {
71  RESTDebug << "Entering TRestComponent constructor( cfgFileName, name )" << RESTendl;
72  RESTDebug << "File: " << cfgFileName << " Name: " << name << RESTendl;
73 }
87  // SetSectionName(this->ClassName());
90  if (!fNodeDensity.empty() && fRandom) return;
92  if (!fRandom) {
93  delete fRandom;
94  fRandom = nullptr;
95  }
97  fRandom = new TRandom3(fSeed);
98  fSeed = fRandom->TRandom::GetSeed();
100  if (fStepParameterValue > 0) {
102  fExponential);
103  } else {
104  if (!fParameterizationNodes.empty()) FillHistograms();
105  }
106 }
115  fNodeDensity.clear();
117  fSeed = seed;
118  FillHistograms();
119 }
126 void TRestComponent::RegenerateParametricNodes(Double_t from, Double_t to, Double_t step,
127  Bool_t expIncrease) {
128  fStepParameterValue = step;
129  fFirstParameterValue = from;
130  fLastParameterValue = to;
131  fExponential = expIncrease;
133  fParameterizationNodes.clear();
135  if (expIncrease) {
136  for (double p = from; p < to; p *= step) fParameterizationNodes.push_back(p);
137  } else {
138  for (double p = from; p < to; p += step) fParameterizationNodes.push_back(p);
139  }
141  if (fParameterizationNodes.empty()) return;
143 }
149 Int_t TRestComponent::GetVariableIndex(std::string varName) {
150  int n = 0;
151  for (const auto& v : fVariables) {
152  if (v == varName) return n;
153  n++;
154  }
156  return -1;
157 }
168 Double_t TRestComponent::GetRate(std::vector<Double_t> point) {
169  if (!fResponse) {
170  return GetRawRate(point);
171  }
173  std::string responseVariable = fResponse->GetVariable();
174  Int_t respVarIndex = GetVariableIndex(responseVariable);
176  if (respVarIndex == -1) {
177  RESTError << "The response variable `" << responseVariable << "`, defined inside TRestResponse,"
178  << RESTendl;
179  RESTError << "could not be found inside the component." << RESTendl;
180  RESTError << "Please, check the component variable names." << RESTendl;
181  return 0;
182  }
184  std::vector<std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> > response = fResponse->GetResponse(point[respVarIndex]);
186  Double_t rate = 0;
187  for (const auto& resp : response) {
188  std::vector<Double_t> newPoint = point;
189  newPoint[respVarIndex] = resp.first;
190  rate += resp.second * GetRawRate(newPoint);
191  }
193  return rate;
194 }
217 Double_t TRestComponent::GetNormalizedRate(std::vector<Double_t> point) {
218  Double_t normFactor = 1;
219  for (size_t n = 0; n < GetDimensions(); n++) normFactor *= fNbins[n] / (fRanges[n].Y() - fRanges[n].X());
221  return normFactor * GetRate(point);
222 }
242 Double_t TRestComponent::GetRawRate(std::vector<Double_t> point) {
243  if (point.size() != GetDimensions()) {
244  RESTError << "The size of the point given is : " << point.size() << RESTendl;
245  RESTError << "The density distribution dimensions are : " << GetDimensions() << RESTendl;
246  RESTError << "Point must have the same dimension as the distribution" << RESTendl;
247  return 0;
248  }
250  if (!HasNodes() && !HasDensity()) {
251  RESTError << "TRestComponent::GetRawRate. The component has no nodes!" << RESTendl;
252  RESTError << "Try calling TRestComponent::Initialize" << RESTendl;
254  RESTInfo << "Trying to initialize" << RESTendl;
255  Initialize();
256  if (HasNodes())
257  RESTInfo << "Sucess!" << RESTendl;
258  else
259  return 0;
260  }
262  if (HasNodes() && fActiveNode == -1) {
263  RESTError << "TRestComponent::GetRawRate. Active node has not been defined" << RESTendl;
264  return 0;
265  }
267  for (size_t n = 0; n < point.size(); n++) {
268  // The point is outside boundaries
269  if (point[n] < fRanges[n].X() || point[n] > fRanges[n].Y()) return 0;
270  }
272  Int_t centerBin[GetDimensions()];
273  Double_t centralDensity = GetDensity()->GetBinContent(GetDensity()->GetBin(, centerBin);
274  if (!Interpolation()) return centralDensity;
276  std::vector<Int_t> direction;
277  std::vector<Double_t> nDist;
278  for (size_t dim = 0; dim < GetDimensions(); dim++) {
279  Double_t x1 = GetBinCenter(dim, centerBin[dim] - 1);
280  Double_t x2 = GetBinCenter(dim, centerBin[dim] + 1);
282  if (centerBin[dim] == 1 || centerBin[dim] == fNbins[dim]) {
283  direction.push_back(0);
284  nDist.push_back(0);
285  } else if (x2 - point[dim] > point[dim] - x1) {
286  // we chose left bin (x1) since it is closer than right bin
287  direction.push_back(-1);
288  nDist.push_back(1 - 2 * (point[dim] - x1) / (x2 - x1));
289  } else {
290  direction.push_back(1);
291  nDist.push_back(1 - 2 * (x2 - point[dim]) / (x2 - x1));
292  }
293  }
295  // In 3-dimensions we got 8 points to interpolate
296  // In 4-dimensions we would get 16 points to interpolate
297  // ...
298  Int_t nPoints = (Int_t)TMath::Power(2, (Int_t)GetDimensions());
300  Double_t sum = 0;
301  for (int n = 0; n < nPoints; n++) {
302  std::vector<int> cell = REST_StringHelper::IntegerToBinary(n, GetDimensions());
304  Double_t weightDistance = 1;
305  int cont = 0;
306  for (const auto& c : cell) {
307  if (c == 0)
308  weightDistance *= (1 - nDist[cont]);
309  else
310  weightDistance *= nDist[cont];
311  cont++;
312  }
314  for (size_t k = 0; k < cell.size(); k++) cell[k] = cell[k] * direction[k] + centerBin[k];
316  Double_t density = GetDensity()->GetBinContent(;
317  sum += density * weightDistance;
318  }
320  return sum;
321 }
328  THnD* dHist = GetDensityForActiveNode();
329  if (!dHist) return 0;
331  Double_t integral = 0;
332  for (Int_t n = 0; n < dHist->GetNbins(); ++n) {
333  Int_t centerBin[GetDimensions()];
334  std::vector<Double_t> point;
336  dHist->GetBinContent(n, centerBin);
337  for (size_t d = 0; d < GetDimensions(); ++d) point.push_back(GetBinCenter(d, centerBin[d]));
339  Bool_t skip = false;
340  for (size_t d = 0; d < GetDimensions(); ++d) {
341  if (point[d] < fRanges[d].X() || point[d] > fRanges[d].Y()) skip = true;
342  }
343  if (!skip) integral += GetRate(point);
344  }
346  return integral;
347 }
354  Double_t maxRate = 0;
355  for (size_t n = 0; n < fParameterizationNodes.size(); n++) {
356  SetActiveNode((Int_t)n);
357  Double_t rate = GetTotalRate();
358  if (rate > maxRate) maxRate = rate;
359  }
360  return maxRate;
361 }
368  Double_t rate = 0;
369  for (size_t n = 0; n < fParameterizationNodes.size(); n++) {
370  SetActiveNode((Int_t)n);
371  rate += GetTotalRate();
372  }
373  return rate;
374 }
381 Double_t TRestComponent::GetBinCenter(Int_t nDim, const Int_t bin) {
382  return fRanges[nDim].X() + (fRanges[nDim].Y() - fRanges[nDim].X()) * ((double)bin - 0.5) / fNbins[nDim];
383 }
385 ROOT::RVecD TRestComponent::GetRandom() {
386  Double_t* tuple = new Double_t[GetDimensions()];
388  ROOT::RVecD result;
389  if (!GetDensity()) {
390  for (size_t n = 0; n < GetDimensions(); n++) result.push_back(0);
391  RESTWarning << "TRestComponent::GetRandom. Component might not be initialized! Use "
392  "TRestComponent::Initialize()."
393  << RESTendl;
394  return result;
395  }
397  GetDensity()->GetRandom(tuple);
399  for (size_t n = 0; n < GetDimensions(); n++) result.push_back(tuple[n]);
400  return result;
401 }
403 ROOT::RDF::RNode TRestComponent::GetMonteCarloDataFrame(Int_t N) {
404  ROOT::RDF::RNode df = ROOT::RDataFrame(N);
406  // Function to fill the RDataFrame using GetRandom method
407  auto fillRndm = [&]() {
408  ROOT::RVecD randomValues = GetRandom();
409  return randomValues;
410  };
411  df = df.Define("Rndm", fillRndm);
413  // Creating dedicated columns for each GetRandom component
414  for (size_t i = 0; i < fVariables.size(); ++i) {
415  auto varName = fVariables[i];
416  auto FillRand = [i](const ROOT::RVecD& randomValues) { return randomValues[i]; };
417  df = df.Define(varName, FillRand, {"Rndm"});
418  }
420  /* Excluding Rndm from df */
421  std::vector<std::string> columns = df.GetColumnNames();
422  std::vector<std::string> excludeColumns = {"Rndm"};
423  columns.erase(std::remove_if(columns.begin(), columns.end(),
424  [&excludeColumns](std::string elem) {
425  return std::find(excludeColumns.begin(), excludeColumns.end(), elem) !=
426  excludeColumns.end();
427  }),
428  columns.end());
430  std::string user = getenv("USER");
431  std::string fOutName = "/tmp/rest_output_" + user + ".root";
432  df.Snapshot("AnalysisTree", fOutName, columns);
434  df = ROOT::RDataFrame("AnalysisTree", fOutName);
436  return df;
437 }
448 TCanvas* TRestComponent::DrawComponent(std::vector<std::string> drawVariables,
449  std::vector<std::string> scanVariables, Int_t binScanSize,
450  TString drawOption) {
451  if (drawVariables.size() > 2 || drawVariables.size() == 0) {
452  RESTError << "TRestComponent::DrawComponent. The number of variables to be drawn must "
453  "be 1 or 2!"
454  << RESTendl;
455  return fCanvas;
456  }
458  if (scanVariables.size() > 2 || scanVariables.size() == 0) {
459  RESTError << "TRestComponent::DrawComponent. The number of variables to be scanned must "
460  "be 1 or 2!"
461  << RESTendl;
462  return fCanvas;
463  }
466  std::vector<int> scanIndexes;
467  for (const auto& x : scanVariables) scanIndexes.push_back(GetVariableIndex(x));
469  Int_t nPlots = 1;
470  size_t n = 0;
471  for (const auto& x : scanIndexes) {
472  if (fNbins[x] % binScanSize != 0) {
473  RESTWarning << "The variable " << scanVariables[n] << " contains " << fNbins[x]
474  << " bins and it doesnt match with a bin size " << binScanSize << RESTendl;
475  RESTWarning << "The bin size must be a multiple of the number of bins." << RESTendl;
476  RESTWarning << "Redefining bin size to 1." << RESTendl;
477  binScanSize = 1;
478  }
479  nPlots *= fNbins[x] / binScanSize;
480  n++;
481  }
484  Int_t nPlotsX = 0;
485  Int_t nPlotsY = 0;
487  if (scanIndexes.size() == 2) {
488  nPlotsX = fNbins[scanIndexes[0]] / binScanSize;
489  nPlotsY = fNbins[scanIndexes[1]] / binScanSize;
490  } else {
491  nPlotsX = TRestTools::CanvasDivisions(nPlots)[1];
492  nPlotsY = TRestTools::CanvasDivisions(nPlots)[0];
493  }
495  RESTInfo << "Number of plots to be generated: " << nPlots << RESTendl;
496  RESTInfo << "Canvas size : " << nPlotsX << " x " << nPlotsY << RESTendl;
499  if (fCanvas != nullptr) {
500  delete fCanvas;
501  fCanvas = nullptr;
502  }
504  fCanvas = new TCanvas(this->GetName(), this->GetName(), 0, 0, nPlotsX * 640, nPlotsY * 480);
505  fCanvas->Divide(nPlotsX, nPlotsY, 0.01, 0.01);
507  std::vector<int> variableIndexes;
508  for (const auto& x : drawVariables) variableIndexes.push_back(GetVariableIndex(x));
510  for (int n = 0; n < nPlotsX; n++)
511  for (int m = 0; m < nPlotsY; m++) {
512  TPad* pad = (TPad*)fCanvas->cd(n * nPlotsY + m + 1);
513  pad->SetFixedAspectRatio(true);
515  THnD* hnd = GetDensity();
517  int binXo = binScanSize * n + 1;
518  int binXf = binScanSize * n + binScanSize;
519  int binYo = binScanSize * m + 1;
520  int binYf = binScanSize * m + binScanSize;
522  if (scanVariables.size() == 2) {
523  hnd->GetAxis(scanIndexes[0])->SetRange(binXo, binXf);
524  hnd->GetAxis(scanIndexes[1])->SetRange(binYo, binYf);
525  } else if (scanVariables.size() == 1) {
526  binXo = binScanSize * nPlotsY * n + binScanSize * m + 1;
527  binXf = binScanSize * nPlotsY * n + binScanSize * m + binScanSize;
528  hnd->GetAxis(scanIndexes[0])->SetRange(binXo, binXf);
529  }
531  if (variableIndexes.size() == 1) {
532  TH1D* h1 = hnd->Projection(variableIndexes[0]);
533  std::string hName;
535  if (scanIndexes.size() == 2)
536  hName = scanVariables[0] + "(" + IntegerToString(binXo) + ", " + IntegerToString(binXf) +
537  ") " + scanVariables[1] + "(" + IntegerToString(binYo) + ", " +
538  IntegerToString(binYf) + ") ";
540  if (scanIndexes.size() == 1)
541  hName = scanVariables[0] + "(" + IntegerToString(binXo) + ", " + IntegerToString(binXf) +
542  ") ";
544  TH1D* newh = (TH1D*)h1->Clone(hName.c_str());
545  newh->SetTitle(hName.c_str());
546  newh->SetStats(false);
547  newh->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((TString)drawVariables[0]);
548  newh->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
549  newh->Draw("PLC PMC");
551  TString entriesStr = "Entries: " + IntegerToString(newh->GetEntries());
552  TLatex* textLatex = new TLatex(0.62, 0.825, entriesStr);
553  textLatex->SetNDC();
554  textLatex->SetTextColor(1);
555  textLatex->SetTextSize(0.05);
556  textLatex->Draw("same");
557  delete h1;
558  }
560  if (variableIndexes.size() == 2) {
561  TH2D* h2 = hnd->Projection(variableIndexes[0], variableIndexes[1]);
563  std::string hName;
564  if (scanIndexes.size() == 2)
565  hName = scanVariables[0] + "(" + IntegerToString(binXo) + ", " + IntegerToString(binXf) +
566  ") " + scanVariables[1] + "(" + IntegerToString(binYo) + ", " +
567  IntegerToString(binYf) + ") ";
569  if (scanIndexes.size() == 1)
570  hName = scanVariables[0] + "(" + IntegerToString(binXo) + ", " + IntegerToString(binXf) +
571  ") ";
573  TH2D* newh = (TH2D*)h2->Clone(hName.c_str());
574  newh->SetStats(false);
575  newh->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((TString)drawVariables[0]);
576  newh->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((TString)drawVariables[1]);
577  newh->SetTitle(hName.c_str());
578  newh->Draw(drawOption);
580  TString entriesStr = "Entries: " + IntegerToString(newh->GetEntries());
581  TLatex* textLatex = new TLatex(0.62, 0.825, entriesStr);
582  textLatex->SetNDC();
583  textLatex->SetTextColor(1);
584  textLatex->SetTextSize(0.05);
585  textLatex->Draw("same");
586  delete h2;
587  }
588  }
590  return fCanvas;
591 }
596 void TRestComponent::LoadResponse(const TRestResponse& resp) {
597  if (fResponse) {
598  delete fResponse;
599  fResponse = nullptr;
600  }
602  fResponse = (TRestResponse*)resp.Clone("response");
606 }
614  RESTMetadata << "Component nature : " << fNature << RESTendl;
615  RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
617  RESTMetadata << "Random seed : " << fSeed << RESTendl;
618  if (fSamples) RESTMetadata << "Samples : " << fSamples << RESTendl;
619  RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
621  if (fVariables.size() != fRanges.size())
622  RESTWarning << "The number of variables does not match with the number of defined ranges!"
623  << RESTendl;
625  else if (fVariables.size() != fNbins.size())
626  RESTWarning << "The number of variables does not match with the number of defined bins!" << RESTendl;
627  else {
628  int n = 0;
629  RESTMetadata << " === Variables === " << RESTendl;
630  for (const auto& varName : fVariables) {
631  RESTMetadata << " - Name: " << varName << " Range: (" << fRanges[n].X() << ", " << fRanges[n].Y()
632  << ") bins: " << fNbins[n] << RESTendl;
633  n++;
634  }
635  }
637  if (!fParameterizationNodes.empty()) {
638  RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
639  RESTMetadata << " === Parameterization === " << RESTendl;
640  RESTMetadata << "- Parameter : " << fParameter << RESTendl;
642  RESTMetadata << " - Number of parametric nodes : " << fParameterizationNodes.size() << RESTendl;
643  RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
644  RESTMetadata << " Use : PrintNodes() for additional info" << RESTendl;
646  if (fStepParameterValue > 0) {
647  RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
648  RESTMetadata << " Nodes were automatically generated using these parameters" << RESTendl;
649  RESTMetadata << " - First node : " << fFirstParameterValue << RESTendl;
650  RESTMetadata << " - Upper limit node : " << fLastParameterValue << RESTendl;
651  RESTMetadata << " - Increasing step : " << fStepParameterValue << RESTendl;
652  if (fExponential)
653  RESTMetadata << " - Increases exponentially" << RESTendl;
654  else
655  RESTMetadata << " - Increases linearly" << RESTendl;
656  }
657  }
659  if (fResponse) {
660  RESTMetadata << " " << RESTendl;
661  RESTMetadata << "A response matrix was loaded inside the component" << RESTendl;
662  RESTMetadata << "You may get more details using TRestComponent::GetResponse()->PrintMetadata()"
663  << RESTendl;
664  }
666  RESTMetadata << "----" << RESTendl;
667 }
673  std::cout << " - Number of nodes : " << fParameterizationNodes.size() << std::endl;
674  for (const auto& x : fParameterizationNodes) std::cout << x << " ";
675  std::cout << std::endl;
676 }
684  auto ele = GetElement("cVariable");
685  while (ele != nullptr) {
686  std::string name = GetParameter("name", ele, "");
687  TVector2 v = Get2DVectorParameterWithUnits("range", ele, TVector2(-1, -1));
688  Int_t bins = StringToInteger(GetParameter("bins", ele, "0"));
690  if (name.empty() || (v.X() == -1 && v.Y() == -1) || bins == 0) {
691  RESTWarning << "TRestComponentFormula::fVariable. Problem with definition." << RESTendl;
692  RESTWarning << "Name: " << name << " range: (" << v.X() << ", " << v.Y() << ") bins: " << bins
693  << RESTendl;
694  } else {
695  fVariables.push_back(name);
696  fRanges.push_back(v);
697  fNbins.push_back(bins);
698  }
700  ele = GetNextElement(ele);
701  }
703  if (fNbins.size() == 0)
704  RESTError << "TRestComponent::InitFromConfigFile. No cVariables where found!" << RESTendl;
706  if (fResponse) {
707  delete fResponse;
708  fResponse = nullptr;
709  }
711  fResponse = (TRestResponse*)this->InstantiateChildMetadata("Response");
713 }
719 Int_t TRestComponent::FindActiveNode(Double_t node) {
720  int n = 0;
721  for (const auto& v : fParameterizationNodes) {
722  Double_t pUp = node * (1 + fPrecision / 2);
723  Double_t pDown = node * (1 - fPrecision / 2);
724  if (v > pDown && v < pUp) {
725  fActiveNode = n;
726  return fActiveNode;
727  }
728  n++;
729  }
731  return -1;
732 }
738 Int_t TRestComponent::SetActiveNode(Double_t node) {
739  int n = 0;
740  for (const auto& v : fParameterizationNodes) {
741  Double_t pUp = node * (1 + fPrecision / 2);
742  Double_t pDown = node * (1 - fPrecision / 2);
743  if (v > pDown && v < pUp) {
744  fActiveNode = n;
745  return fActiveNode;
746  }
747  n++;
748  }
750  RESTError << "Parametric node : " << node << " was not found in component" << RESTendl;
751  RESTError << "Keeping previous node as active : " << fParameterizationNodes[fActiveNode] << RESTendl;
752  PrintNodes();
754  return fActiveNode;
755 }
760 THnD* TRestComponent::GetDensityForNode(Double_t node) {
761  int n = 0;
762  for (const auto& x : fParameterizationNodes) {
763  if (x == node) {
764  return fNodeDensity[n];
765  }
766  n++;
767  }
769  RESTError << "Parametric node : " << node << " was not found in component" << RESTendl;
770  PrintNodes();
771  return nullptr;
772 }
777 THnD* TRestComponent::GetDensityForActiveNode() {
778  if (fActiveNode >= 0) return fNodeDensity[fActiveNode];
780  RESTError << "The active node is invalid" << RESTendl;
781  PrintNodes();
782  return nullptr;
783 }
789 TH1D* TRestComponent::GetHistogram(Double_t node, std::string varName) {
790  SetActiveNode(node);
791  return GetHistogram(varName);
792 }
799 TH1D* TRestComponent::GetHistogram(std::string varName) {
800  if (fActiveNode < 0) return nullptr;
802  Int_t v1 = GetVariableIndex(varName);
804  if (v1 >= 0 && GetDensityForActiveNode()) return GetDensityForActiveNode()->Projection(v1);
806  return nullptr;
807 }
813 TH2D* TRestComponent::GetHistogram(Double_t node, std::string varName1, std::string varName2) {
814  SetActiveNode(node);
815  return GetHistogram(varName1, varName2);
816 }
823 TH2D* TRestComponent::GetHistogram(std::string varName1, std::string varName2) {
824  if (fActiveNode < 0) return nullptr;
826  Int_t v1 = GetVariableIndex(varName1);
827  Int_t v2 = GetVariableIndex(varName2);
829  if (v1 >= 0 && v2 >= 0)
830  if (GetDensityForActiveNode()) return GetDensityForActiveNode()->Projection(v1, v2);
832  return nullptr;
833 }
839 TH3D* TRestComponent::GetHistogram(Double_t node, std::string varName1, std::string varName2,
840  std::string varName3) {
841  SetActiveNode(node);
842  return GetHistogram(varName1, varName2, varName3);
843 }
850 TH3D* TRestComponent::GetHistogram(std::string varName1, std::string varName2, std::string varName3) {
851  if (fActiveNode < 0) return nullptr;
853  Int_t v1 = GetVariableIndex(varName1);
854  Int_t v2 = GetVariableIndex(varName2);
855  Int_t v3 = GetVariableIndex(varName3);
857  if (v1 >= 0 && v2 >= 0 && v3 >= 0)
858  if (GetDensityForActiveNode()) return GetDensityForActiveNode()->Projection(v1, v2, v3);
860  return nullptr;
861 }
It defines a background/signal model distribution in a given parameter space (tipically x,...
Double_t fFirstParameterValue
It defines the first parametric node value in case of automatic parameter generation.
Double_t fLastParameterValue
It defines the upper limit for the automatic parametric node values generation.
UInt_t fSeed
Seed used in random generator.
Double_t fStepParameterValue
It defines the increasing step for automatic parameter list generation.
void InitFromConfigFile() override
It customizes the retrieval of XML data values of this class.
void PrintMetadata() override
Prints on screen the information about the metadata members of TRestAxionSolarFlux.
Double_t GetAllNodesIntegratedRate()
This method returns the integrated total rate for all the nodes The result will be returned in s-1.
Int_t fActiveNode
It is used to define the node that will be accessed for rate retrieval.
Int_t FindActiveNode(Double_t node)
It returns the position of the fParameterizationNodes element for the variable name given by argument...
void RegenerateParametricNodes(Double_t from, Double_t to, Double_t step, Bool_t expIncrease=false)
It allows to produce a parameter nodes list providing the initial value, the final value and the step...
Int_t fSamples
It introduces a fixed number of samples (if 0 it will take all available samples)
Int_t GetVariableIndex(std::string varName)
It returns the position of the fVariable element for the variable name given by argument.
Double_t GetBinCenter(Int_t nDim, const Int_t bin)
It returns the bin center of the given component dimension.
void PrintNodes()
It prints out on screen the values of the parametric node.
Double_t GetRawRate(std::vector< Double_t > point)
It returns the intensity/rate (in seconds) corresponding to the generated distribution or formula eva...
Bool_t fExponential
It true the parametric values automatically generated will grow exponentially.
std::string fParameter
It is used to parameterize a set of distribution densities (e.g. WIMP or axion mass)
Double_t GetNormalizedRate(std::vector< Double_t > point)
It returns the intensity/rate (in seconds) corresponding to the generated distribution or formula eva...
Default constructor.
TH1D * GetHistogram(Double_t node, std::string varName)
It returns a 1-dimensional projected histogram for the variable names provided in the argument.
Float_t fPrecision
A precision used to select the node value with a given range defined as a fraction of the value.
std::vector< Int_t > fNbins
The number of bins in which we should divide each variable.
Double_t GetMaxRate()
This method returns the total rate for the node that has the highest contribution The result will be ...
TCanvas * DrawComponent(std::vector< std::string > drawVariables, std::vector< std::string > scanVariables, Int_t binScanSize=1, TString drawOption="")
A method allowing to draw a series of plots representing the density distributions.
void Initialize() override
It initializes the random number. We avoid to define the section name here since we will never define...
TRestResponse * fResponse
A pointer to the detector response.
Double_t GetTotalRate()
This method integrates the rate to all the parameter space defined in the density function....
std::vector< TVector2 > fRanges
The range of each of the variables used to create the PDF distribution.
std::vector< Double_t > fParameterizationNodes
It defines the nodes of the parameterization (Initialized by the dataset)
Bool_t HasNodes()
It returns true if any nodes have been defined.
TCanvas * fCanvas
A canvas for drawing the active node component.
Double_t GetRate(std::vector< Double_t > point)
It returns the intensity/rate (in seconds) corresponding to the generated distribution or formula eva...
TRandom3 * fRandom
Internal process random generator.
std::vector< std::string > fVariables
A list with the branches that will be used to create the distribution space.
Default destructor.
void RegenerateHistograms(UInt_t seed=0)
It will produce a histogram with the distribution defined using the variables and the weights for eac...
Int_t SetActiveNode(Double_t node)
It returns the position of the fParameterizationNodes element for the variable name given by argument...
std::vector< THnD * > fNodeDensity
The generated N-dimensional variable space density for a given node.
std::string fNature
It defines the component type (unknown/signal/background)
A base class for any REST metadata class.
Definition: TRestMetadata.h:74
virtual void PrintMetadata()
Implemented it in the derived metadata class to print out specific metadata information.
endl_t RESTendl
Termination flag object for TRestStringOutput.
TiXmlElement * GetElement(std::string eleDeclare, TiXmlElement *e=nullptr)
Get an xml element from a given parent element, according to its declaration.
TRestMetadata * InstantiateChildMetadata(int index, std::string pattern="")
This method will retrieve a new TRestMetadata instance of a child element of the present TRestMetadat...
virtual void InitFromConfigFile()
To make settings from rml file. This method must be implemented in the derived class.
TiXmlElement * GetNextElement(TiXmlElement *e)
Get the next sibling xml element of this element, with same eleDeclare.
std::string GetParameter(std::string parName, TiXmlElement *e, TString defaultValue=PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND_STR)
Returns the value for the parameter named parName in the given section.
A response matrix that might be applied to a given component inside a TRestComponent.
Definition: TRestResponse.h:29
void LoadResponse(Bool_t transpose=true)
It loads into the fResponseMatrix data member the response from a file.
std::vector< std::pair< Double_t, Double_t > > GetResponse(Double_t input)
This method will return a vector of std::pair, each pair will contain the output energy together with...
void PrintMetadata() override
Prints on screen the information about the metadata members of TRestAxionSolarFlux.
static std::vector< int > CanvasDivisions(int n)
It returns a vector with 2 components {a,b}, the components satisfy that a x b = n,...
std::string IntegerToString(Int_t n, std::string format="%d")
Gets a string from an integer.
Int_t StringToInteger(std::string in)
Gets an integer from a string.
std::vector< int > IntegerToBinary(int number, size_t dimension=0)
It returns an integer vector with the binary digits decomposed.