23#ifndef _TRestAxionSolarFlux
24#define _TRestAxionSolarFlux
30#include <TRestMetadata.h>
72 Double_t mass = 0) = 0;
79 virtual void ExportTables(Bool_t ascii =
false) {
80 RESTWarning <<
"TRestAxionSolarFlux::ExportTables must be re-implemented in the inherited class"
87 TCanvas*
DrawFluxFile(std::string fname, Double_t binSize = 0.01);
A metadata class to load tabulated solar axion fluxes.
void Initialize()
It is required in order to load solar flux tables into memory.
Default constructor.
virtual std::pair< Double_t, Double_t > GetRandomEnergyAndRadius(TVector2 eRange=TVector2(-1, -1), Double_t mass=0)=0
It defines how to generate Monte Carlo energy and radius values to reproduce the flux.
TCanvas * fCanvas
A canvas pointer for drawing.
Default destructor.
virtual Bool_t LoadTables()=0
It defines how to read the solar tables at the inhereted class.
Double_t fCouplingStrength
Axion coupling strength.
virtual Double_t GetTotalFlux(Double_t mass=0)=0
It returns the total integrated flux at earth in cm-2 s-1.
TCanvas * DrawFluxFile(std::string fname, Double_t binSize=0.01)
It draws the contents of a .flux file. This method just receives the name of the ....
TH1F * GetFluxHistogram(std::string fname, Double_t binSize=0.01)
It builds a histogram using the contents of the .flux file given in the argument.
std::string fCouplingType
Axion coupling. Defines coupling type and strength.
Int_t fSeed
Seed used in random generator.
TRandom3 * fRandom
Random number generator.
void PrintMetadata()
Prints on screen the information about the metadata members of TRestAxionSolarFlux.
virtual Double_t IntegrateFluxInRange(TVector2 eRange=TVector2(-1, -1), Double_t mass=0)=0
It returns the integrated flux at earth in cm-2 s-1 for the given energy range.
virtual TH1F * GetEnergySpectrum(Double_t m=0)=0
It returns an energy integrated spectrum in cm-2 s-1 keV-1.
Bool_t fTablesLoaded
A metadata member to control if this class has been initialized.
virtual TCanvas * DrawSolarFlux()
It draws the contents of a .flux file. This method just receives the.